Wednesday 29 May 2013

William Hide

We try to find as much as possible on the internet about people mentioned in the blog .

So we did copy a lot about the Hide family .

And the writer wrote us and explains herself the family ties .
Henry Priaulx married Amelia Hide, Amelia's brother William Hide was my Gt. Gt. Gt. Gt. Grandfather. 

William born October 1770 in Sussex, (I believe not proven), married Town Church, St Peter Port Guernsey, Channel Islands, Marianne Le Lacheur on 29 July 1820.

Amelia and Henry married 10 April 1828 Town Church.

Soon after the family of William and Marianne and Henry and Amelia sailed on the ship "Wave" of which William was the Captain to Tasmania.

The records of the ship passengers do not indicate Amelia and Henry went on the same boat.

However, a newspaper report by another person much later on stated that Henry arrived on the ship the Wave in 1828.

It seems likely that this is correct.

William did not take up this land request but Henry did.

William instead returned home to live on Guernsey at La Porte King's Mills.

William had a son born at sea during the trip, William George Davey christened in Hobart Tasmania as George, then rechristened as W G D on Guernsey.

This son when he grew up returned to Hobart and possibly lived with his Uncle, as he also worked at the Commissariat in Tasmania.

WGD moved to Melbourne, Victoria when the gold rush developed and married an Irish lass, a Bullen related to Queen Anne Boleyn.

They had a son William George Henry and he had a son William Walter Wallace Washington Hide named after WGD's brothers born Guernsey and he had my father William George Hide.

I was Leonie Elizabeth Hide now Freeman.
Elizabeth Phillips mother of Amelia and William, was the daughter of Thomas Phillips and Eleanor Bond. 

She was born St Austell, Cornwall and married William Hide St Peter Port, Guernsey, 3rd June 1795.
The Phillips family with related families from Guernsey moved to Prince Edward Island, Canada in 1805 on the "Neptune".

Have not proven Elizabeth went out there as she remarried Guernsey 1907, although a grave on PEI apparently had all her details but, with a date well after her will was proven in London. This remains a mystery!

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