Tuesday 28 January 2014



was fascinating and caused me to look at the rest. The dodgy water supply, a fine for speeding (again) at over 4 miles an hour, the corrupt politics and the seamans strike amongst others. Interestingly some four years later, seamans wages had increased so dramatically the Navy could not recruit seamen and a vessel was forced to leave Yarmouth crewed only by master Mariners since the seamen could earn more elsewhere.

We were all wondering why JNV and Sarah were in Yarmouth when he lived in Norwich at the time of the 1851 census, with three children including my Gx2 Grandma at home. (Catherine was teaching there)..

Though Jerome’s main property is in Norwich, he is still seemingly teaching elsewhere than in offices in the town. He is, of course, a long serving Professor at King Edward VI’s school Norwich (teaching certain day(s) a week but in 1848 the Norfolk News says that, in addition to his offices in Norwich, he will "be able to attend one or two families near or at North Walsham". It is just as likely to be still spending the odd day teaching at Yarmouth and elsewhere. Sister Mary is still living in Yarmouth but her accommodation is too small to lodge them. They may well have used the rooms at the inn to teach.

He is, of course, working with Customs, presumably at least partly at the port and going on trips abroad. The 10 July 1847 certificate of entry at Dover shows Professor Jerome Nicolas Vlieland and Wife arriving by steamer (Magician) from Boulogne but they may have left from Yarmouth also as "Yarmouth Notes" shows various steamers leaving for the Continent from Yarmouth Docks.

Even in 1851 The Dukes Head by the Docks at Yarmouth is a very old coaching inn. Though it is close to the steamers and Customs, it is also in a perfect position to board a coach for home, for JNV, his students or his visitors. According to "Yarmouth Notes" for Sept. 30th 1848 his Brother in Law "The Bishop of London and Mrs. Blomfield were staying at Yarmouth". Were they holidaying with JNV and Sarah?

Thanks Ray for your comment.

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