Thursday 30 January 2014

The last battle of Napoleon.

A very interesting book about the last battle of Napoleon came to my attention .
It is online  and in Dutch.
The title is De laatste veldtogt van Napoleon van Jacobus Scheltema.
It discribes the impact of the battle of Waterloo and Quatre bras and  the ones involved .
Sometimes you can read about this wars and yet not understand the impact .
The amount of people involved .
The logistics , food and hygiene and lodgings.
This book reports of all the nations involved to stop Napoleon.
The army was fighting on the battlefields and their familys followed them to be near them .
So in Brussels was a gathering of Prussian , Dutch and English people .
The soldiers that returned from those battlefield returned to Brussels as well .
there were smaller hospitals near the battlefields where the could nurse 6000 people a day.
Before sending them further away from the battlefields.
More then 12000 people arrived in Brussels, wounded and hungry.
The citizens were asked to take these wounded men in and clean and feed them .
When a surgeon was needed people were asked to write a big one -to eight on their window in order to get help and to show the level of emergency and the number of casualty´s 
In order to avoid outbreaks of diseases they were advised to burn vitriol twice a day and walk through the house and let the smoke do their job in every corner.
The amount of missing and deceased are enormous .
Between June 15 and July 3 there were on English site only 33.000 people wounded , missing or death.

The reason for this research is of course  Jerome Nicholas and his family .
After the birth of Jerome there is no further information of this family .
So maybe his father or brothers were enlisted.

There is an English version written from The English point of view  as well  but no name of the author 

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