Monday 11 February 2019

Hendrik Aldertszoon Vlieland taken as prize

Hendrik Aldertszoon Vlieland.
We found several bits and pieces over the years and this information  now comes finally together. Thanks to an article in the newspaper of 1797.

Schipper H. Vlieland van Rotterdam naar Haver de Grace , is dewyl hy door een Kaper gejaagd wierd te Boulogne binnengevlugt, doch is daar na door een andere kaper genomen en vervolgens totaal verongelukt.

Utrechtsche courant 29-01-1798

Master H.Vlieland from Rotterdam to Havre le Grace , is while he was hunted by a privateer,fled to Boulogne but was captured there by another privateer and totally foundered.

As soon as Hendrik was brought ashore in Dover ,he went to make a statement about the loss of his son who was on the ship with him and also the other two crewmembers., the whole crew was lost.

He was in 1797 with his ship "de jonge Elisabeth "on a journey from Rotterdam to Havre de Grace when he was captured by the a Kingsship "the Harpy" Master Henry Bazely, esquire.
He was brought to the Harpy  and because of the big waves, lost sight of his ship.
He was landed in Dover and went straight to Phineas Kennets to report what had happened.
Later he learned that parts of his ship where beached in Noordwijk and the parts were recognised by him as well as by Maarten Kruijt mayor of Noordwijk and by Jan de Booy blacksmith.
The crew however was lost and never heard of since .His son Aldert(18)among them.

The wifes and mothers of the lost crewmembers made a declaration in Noordwijk about the loss of the "jonge Elisabeth".To claim benefit  from the loss of the lives of their son or husbands.

On February 6, 1798, for us, Sr. Gerhardus Adrianus

Entink secretary for the citizens Jan Hoekman and Albert van

Noord, aldermen of  Noordwijk, Langeveld and Offem; 
Hendrik Vlieland, at home  at Grefzeyl in Prussia, but on this passing of this document here present, our secretary and aldermen known in quality as skipper on the bomship the Young Elisabeth,  which ship in Rotterdam was loaded with salty fish, cheese and other kinds of
merchantsgoods  on  route from there to Havre de Grace ,was taken by an English Kingship called (as he had been informed in person)  Harpy, under command of Henry Bazely, esquire.
Which declared for the benefit of all those, who are not here and present
to serve here and when this will be necessary, where and truthfully to denounce that after that his comparantees said ship and cargo in the month of November of the year 1797 in the above-mentioned manner of this city after Havre de Grace by the above-mentioned Henry Bazely who was the commander of the English Royal Ship Harpy, he had been consigned on that ship and then, while the sea was very high, his ship had lost sight of the young Elisabeth or lost sight and he continued on the 22nd of the afore mentioned November of the afore mentioned King ship Harpy at Dover was put ashore, as all of this appears to be circumstantial in a statement made by him on the twenty-first of November before Phineas Kennet's notary and in the city and harbour of Dover in the county of Kent and witnesses passed and on 25th ditto for James Gravener a master extraordinaire in his Majesty's High court of Cancelary.
He inquires at Dover ,for he has not heard anything or in any other place whatsoever of the ship he sailed, the young Elisabeth, of the cargo reported here before, but that he was subsequently informed of the arrival of a landing in Noordwijk aan Zee. on the beach ,was driven or washed ashore rand furthermore salvaged a part of a sail  ​​a bomschip, besides a percussion, that he  has examined two pieces and has recognized and found them, that (gijk and slaggaarde )belonged to the afore mentioned ship carried by him ,the young Elisabeth, and that he, in a good faith, sincerely believes in it, and that he keeps the ship, the young Elisabeth with that cargo at the time that he was on board ,the before reported ship Harpy, he had lost from his sight, died and lost total. 
Compared also for our secretary and aldermen MaartenKruijt, master ship carpenter living in Noordwijk aan Zee and Jan de Booy, mastersman living in Noordwijk , our secretary and aldermen, who explained to the requisition ,of all the ones who would have to be the only ones ;to be true and true about us It was found during examinations that the part stranded at Noordwijk aan Zee was the one he. had made second depositor in quality as a ship carpenter, and I deposited third depositor in quality as a smith for the bombship named the young Elisabeth in the year 1796 (deleted: before Bouwmans and son in Grefzeijl in Prussia). Recognized the length and weight of them and the attachment for the same laying. Being prepared to fill the deposited depositor, each standing in his here with solemn oath
Signed by:
H = mark of Hendrik Vlieland. (stroke = dipstick)
Fuijt van Leeuwen Maarten Kruijt Jan de Booy Jan Hoekman Aalbert from Noord G.A. Entink, secretary

Date August 20, 1798 January standing before me Jan Gerard Crameris, secretary and Jan Hoekman and Job van der Weijden, sheriffs of both Northern Districts, and Langeveld Offem: Marijtje Arrishoek, wife of Hendrik Vlieland, Annetje van Duin, wife of Zacharias de Jong, Aaltje Dirkx van Duin, wife of Dirk Pietersz. Balkenende, residing on the first and third in Noordwijk aan Zee and the second to Catwijk aan Zee, which claimed the benefit of all whom this would by no allowed to enter and serve each other when necessary and that her sons in quality as the first captain and her son Aldert Vlieland and the two men also his companions on "de jonge Elisabeth", which was reported last seen in the month of October or beginning of the month November 1797 in Rotterdam and that the English King Ship according to testimony of the first witness husband was Hendrik Vlieland taken deposantes and her first husband was repatriated and all the other men were gone and never heard off. So that they true and also truly believe it to be on the grounds that they ,witnesses to this day and the best of knowledge of life or residence of their men and son .Despite all efforts and searches that have been obtained.
Being witnesses they are prepared to swear an oath to confirm.

will be continued

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