Wednesday, 10 March 2010

De ooievaar

The story in the Vlieland family is that the stork was on a tile above the entrance of a tavern or the fireplace of the family home.
Charles James is supposed to have visited the house on the island of Vlieland.
Jerome Nicolas owned a silver platter with a stork engraved in it.So far there are not many taverns with such a sign described or to be found.

Trancript from this letter .
Otterden Barnfieldroad Exeter June 11 1905
Dear Sir
also whether there was a family crest
Certain of my relatives think it was a stork with a snake in its bill.
Yours faithfully

The stork is in the crest of the Dutch city The Hague

So far I found one tavern in Amsterdam and one in Sneek with a tile of a stork above the entrance.

Recently I found a stork above the entrance of a tavern near Haarlem.With a very naughty rhyme underneath.

Een ‘quade’ herberg "Rustenburg" in de Haarlemmerhout voerde volgens Jeroen Jeroensz. in de 17e eeuw het volgende opschrift:
’t is gewis twee vrouwen billen
Kunnen meer lokken
Als alle kloosters klocken
Laat ze vrij luijen
Datze haar moêr bruijen’.

Gegevens cataloguskaartje: Herberg "Rustenburg" (later "de Ooievaar"), ziende naar het zuidwesten. Tekst onder: "Gesigten buyten Haarlem. De Herreberg Rustenburg" Kopergravure naar Jan van der Vinne, ca.1735. (afgesneden). Rechtsonder: "Uytgegeven door Ioannes van Keulen". Genummerd rechtsonder: "1". Afm.: h.14½, br.19½ cm. Herkomst: onbekend. Negatiefnummer Index Bouwkunst Zeist (KHIU): 8590. Zie ook: 53-004695 K, 53-005739 K (Ver.Haerlem) en 53-012660 (VS.XVIII,101). Identificatienummer: 53-002585 K

Catalogusgegevens: Dreef, ziende naar het zuiden met de herbergen "Het Wapen van Amsterdam" en "De Ooievaar" (of: "Rustenburg"). Tekst onder de prent: "Gezicht tusschen den kleinen Hout en de Herbergen 't Wapen van Amsterdam en den Oyevaer door naer 't Sparen en den ouden Hout". Ook met Frans onderschrift: "Vuë de par le petit Bois et les Hotelleries les Armes d'Amsterdam et la Cigogne vers le Spaarne et le vieux Bois". Kopergravure van Leth, 1732. Afm.: h.16½, br.19½ cm. Uit: "Zegepralent Kennemerlant", nr.92. Negatiefnummer Index Bouwkunst Zeist (KHIU): 8593. Dia KB aanwezig. Herkomst: onbekend. Identificatienummer: 53-002595 K (1)
The famous painter Jeroen Bosch painted these storks.

Is a painting by Jeroen Bosch.
The stork was also a trademark for a shoemaker.
So maybe we are from a shoemaking family .
Jan Jansen, the father of Jerome Nicholas Vlieland ,is also the name of a very well known shoedesigner in Holland a this moment.

After finding out all there is to know about storks .Suddenley you find something so obvious you missed it.
A stork above a door or a flag outside in the 18th century meant there was a midwife living there.

Some criminals in The Hague were branded with the stork mark.

The stork is symbol of The Hague 

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