Sunday, 30 August 2015

Siegerdus Ziegers

Siegerdus Ziegers  .There are many ways to spell his name .

Finally today , I detected the banns on the marriage of Maria Elisabeth Penninkhof and Jan Koeman.
She is then widow of Siegerdus Ziegers .

Maria Elisabeth Penninkhof and Siegardus Siegers are witnesses at the marriage of Jan Hollander and Catharina Frits ,the parents of Jerome Nicholas senior.

burial of Sigerchis Siegers
Siegers, Sigerchis
datum begrafenis:date burial
begraafplaats:burial place
St. Anthonis Kerkhof Amsterdam
DTB 1205, p.136 en p.137
Begraafregisters voor 1811: NL-SAA-10631448

Banns on the marriage of Jan Koeman and Maria Elisabeth Penninkhof.
inschrijvingsdatum:registration date
naam bruidegom:name groom
Koeman, Jan
naam bruid:name bride
Penninkhof, Maria Elisabeth
naam eerdere man:name former husband
Ziegers, Siegerdus
DTB 641, p.4
Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK Amsterdam.
Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand)

So finally we found a relationship between the witnesses and slightly different names.
With this new clue ,we researched the Amsterdam database again.
We found That Siegardus Ziegers bought a house in Amsterdam 13th September 1786 .
transportakten voor 1811.
datum overdracht:date of transfer
Korenhoef laast wed. Jacobus Jacobsz Bijl, Erven Annetje Hendriks
Kortenhoeff eerste wed. Pieter Pieterse Swart, Erven Annetje Hendriks
Ziegers, Sigerdus
straatnaam in bron:name of streetname in source
Grote Oostenburgerstraat (ZZ)
Ratbergen in de gevel, 1/2 huis en erf, voorbij de tweede dwarsstraat en het Oos
Wheel Mountains in the facade .1/2 house and yard past the Oostenburgerstraat.t

In stead of a nametag on the door or a visiting card In Holland the name of the house was on the facade.
Not only in word but also in pictures .
That way you could easely find a name or profession or shop even if you could not read.
The house that Sigardus bought was called Ratbergen,
Which translated means wheel mountains.
On the facade you see a wheel and three mountains .

Due to Napoleon all houses had to have a streetname and a housenumber by law.
The names of houses were no longer important.
But the stone with the wheel and the 3 mountains is still on the facade in Amsterdam this day.

In plaats van een naamplaatje op zijn deurpost of een visitekaartje met mikroskopische lettertjes voor een vensterruit, had men voorheen den ge- velsteen, die op een meer in 't oog loopende manier den naam aan wie er men noodig had verkondigde. Hoe duidelijk staat daar nog in de Nieuwstraat Ratbergen te lezen ; want voor den botterik, die niet lezen kon, is 't er in beeldschrift boven gezet: een rad boven drie bergen. Ieder dus, 't zij hij lezen geleerd had of niet, kon zonder navraag 's mans wo- ning vinden. Men beweere dus niet langer, dat in onze dagen alle dingen worden vergemakkelykt ('t woord is niet van ons); — onze vaderen hadden er in menig opzicht vrij wat beter slag van.

There are christenings in Amsterdam with Maria and  Sigardus as a witness.

kind /child
, Maria Elisabeth
doopdatum /christening
kerk /church
Kerk De Pool
godsdienst /religion
vader/ father
Poeltuijn, Jan
moeder /mother
Roesson, Elisabeth
getuige /witness
Zegers, Sigardus
getuige/ witness
Peuninkhof, Maria
bronverwijzing: source
DTB 357, p.81(folio 41), nr.11

, Sigardus
Kerk De Pool
godsdienst: religion
Poeltuijn, Jan
Rossouw, Elisabeth
Segers, Sigardus
Penninkhof, Maria
DTB 357, p.93(folio 47), nr.17
Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: 
, Anna Elisabeth Catharina
geboortedatum:date of birth
doopdatum: christening
kerk: church
Kerk De Zaaijer
vader: father
Weever, Gerardus
Koeman, Maria Celesti
Weever, Joannes Everardus
Penninkhof, Maria Elisabeth

 Maria Catharina
Mozes- en AƤronkerk
Strenger, Gerrit
Rebbetie, Maria Frans
Siegers, Sigardus
Penninghof, Maria Elisabeth
DTB 312, p.109(folio 55), nr.1


Ludovicus Andraeas
Kerk 't Boompje
Moretz, Aloijsius
Richardi, Christina
Schouten, Andries
Penninghof, Maria Elisabeth

More about shipwarf Oostenburg

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Maria Elisabeth Penninkhof

Maria Elisabeth Penninkhof

Finally today , I detected the banns on the marriage of Maria Elisabeth Penninkhof and Jan Koeman.
She is then widow of Siegerdus Ziegers .

Maria Elisabeth Penninkhof and Siegardus Siegers are witnesses at the marriage of Jan Hollander and Catharina Frits ,the parents of Jerome Nicholas senior.

Banns on the marriage of Jan Koeman and Maria Elisabeth Penninkhof.
inschrijvingsdatum:registration date
naam bruidegom:name groom
Koeman, Jan
naam bruid:name bride
Penninkhof, Maria Elisabeth
naam eerdere man:name former husband
Ziegers, Siegerdus
DTB 641, p.4
Huwelijksintekeningen van de KERK Amsterdam.
Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand)

So finally we found a relationship between the witnesses and slightly different names.
With this new clue ,we researched the Amsterdam database again.
We found That Siegardus Ziegers bought a house in Amsterdam 13th September 1786 .
transportakten voor 1811.
datum overdracht:date of transfer
Korenhoef laast wed. Jacobus Jacobsz Bijl, Erven Annetje Hendriks
Kortenhoeff eerste wed. Pieter Pieterse Swart, Erven Annetje Hendriks
Ziegers, Sigerdus
straatnaam in bron:name of streetname in source
Grote Oostenburgerstraat (ZZ)
Ratbergen in de gevel, 1/2 huis en erf, voorbij de tweede dwarsstraat en het Oos
Wheel Mountains in the facade .1/2 house and yard past the Oostenburgerstraat.t

In stead of a nametag on the door or a visiting card In Holland the name of the house was on the facade.
Not only in word but also in pictures .

That way you could easely find a name or profession or shop even if you could not read.

The house that Sigardus bought was called Ratbergen,
Which translated means wheel mountains.

On the facade you see a wheel and three mountains .

Due to Napoleon all houses had to have a streetname and a housenumber .

The names of houses were no longer important.
But the stone with the wheel and the 3 mountains are still on the facade in Amsterdam this day.

In plaats van een naamplaatje op zijn deurpost of een visitekaartje met mikroskopische lettertjes voor een vensterruit, had men voorheen den ge- velsteen, die op een meer in 't oog loopende manier den naam aan wie er men noodig had verkondigde. Hoe duidelijk staat daar nog in de Nieuwstraat Ratbergen te lezen ; want voor den botterik, die niet lezen kon, is 't er in beeldschrift boven gezet: een rad boven drie bergen. Ieder dus, 't zij hij lezen geleerd had of niet, kon zonder navraag 's mans wo- ning vinden. Men beweere dus niet langer, dat in onze dagen alle dingen worden vergemakkelykt ('t woord is niet van ons); — onze vaderen hadden er in menig opzicht vrij wat beter slag van.

There are childbirths in Amsterdam with Maria and Sigardus as a witness.

kind/ child
, Maria Elisabeth
doopdatum /christening
kerk/ church
Kerk De Pool
godsdienst/ religion
vader/ father
Poeltuijn, Jan
moeder/ mother
Roesson, Elisabeth
Zegers, Sigardus
getuige /witness
Peuninkhof, Maria
bronverwijzing: source
DTB 357, p.81(folio 41), nr.11

, Sigardus
Kerk De Pool
godsdienst: religion
Poeltuijn, Jan
Rossouw, Elisabeth
Segers, Sigardus
Penninkhof, Maria
DTB 357, p.93(folio 47), nr.17

Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand:
, Anna Elisabeth Catharina
geboortedatum:date of birth
doopdatum: christening
kerk: church
Kerk De Zaaijer
vader: father
Weever, Gerardus
Koeman, Maria Celesti
Weever, Joannes Everardus
Penninkhof, Maria Elisabeth

 Maria Catharina
Mozes- en AƤronkerk
Strenger, Gerrit
Rebbetie, Maria Frans
Siegers, Sigardus
Penninghof, Maria Elisabeth
DTB 312, p.109(folio 55), nr.1


Ludovicus Andraeas
Kerk 't Boompje
Moretz, Aloijsius
Richardi, Christina
Schouten, Andries
Penninghof, Maria Elisabeth

More about shipwarf Oostenburg

Friday, 28 August 2015

Siegardus Siegers en Maria Penninkhof

Banns on the wedding of Jan Jansen Hollander en Catharina Fris.

Witnesses Siegardus Siegers en maria Penninkhof.


Compareerden als vooren Jan Hollander van Amsterdam Gereform Oud 29 Jaar op Oostenburg.

Ouders Doot.

geassisteerd met Siegardus Siegers event als boven

Catharina Frits,van Leijden Gereformeerd oud 28 Jaar

woont als boven. Ouders Doot.geassisteeerd met Maria Penninkhof,woont als boven.

Versoeken hare drie Sondagse Uijtroepingen,omme ,naar deselve , den voortrouwe te solemneren,

en in alles te voltrekken,soverre daer anders gene wettige verhinderingevoor en valle

en naar dien Sij bij Waarheijt verklaeren,dat sij vrije personen waeren,en malkanderen in bloede niet en bestonden,waar door een Christelijk Huwelijk mochte verhindert worden,zijn hun hare geboden verwilliger

Jan Hollander

Friday, 21 August 2015

Old post from 2007

We found an old post on the internet .
About the Coulson -Hilder marriage .
And we wondered if there ever was an answer.

I am seeking the reason why on 21st August, 1854 GEORGE HARRISON COULSON [1] and CHARLOTTE HILDER [2] married in St. Mary's Church, Bermondsey. Both recorded as living there at the time of the marriage although the reasons for this location are unclear as both had businesses in Boughton Under Blean, Kent. GEORGE HARRISON's first wife PHOEBE had died in 1846 so the second marriage was presumably not seen as "rushed". GEORGE HARRISON COULSON, [1] a miller, was described as the son of GEORGE HARRISON COULSON (GEORGE COULSON), a carpenter. CHARLOTTE HILDER [2], the daughter of JOHN HILDER [1], a farmer and his wife CHARLOTTE HILDER [1]. The marriage was performed by F.E.B. Swann in the presence of RICHARD DAY and SARAH JANE DAY.


And yes there was an answer .
under the 1754 Hardwicke Act

The legal requirement of residency in the parish was three weeks. So where on the marriage entry its stated "of this parish" it doesn't necessarily mean the person was a full time resident.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Stealing whiskey from G.H.Coulson

James Wood: stealing a bottle of whiskey, value 4s, property of George Harrison Coulson. Witness statements: Glenrose Margaret Goodsall, Licensed Victular's Manageress, of 'The Seven Stars' Orange Street Canterbury; Sergeant John James Ives Canterbury Police. Charge proved the defendant was discharged conditionally on 6 months probation on his own regonizance of £5 to be of good behaviour.

Date 22 April 1910 James Wood: stealing a bottle of whiskey, value 4s,
property of George Harrison Coulson.
Witness statements: Glenrose Margaret Goodsall,
Licensed Victular's Manageress, of 'The Seven Stars' Orange Street Canterbury;
Sergeant John James Ives Canterbury Police.
Charge proved the defendant was discharged conditionally on 6 months probation
on his own regonizance of £5 to be of good behaviour.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Tragedy at Boughton

Tragedy at Boughton
The Directory of Kent Mill People, held in the Mills Archive, is a very plain document. With entries as far back as the 1550s it lists, under name, gender, trade, date, county, and notes the significant events in the struggle of Kentish millers to make a living over the centuries.

The notes are a simple sentence: ‘Bankrupt & mill & premises for Sale’, ‘Fan tail blown off in gale, sold for demolition’, or ‘cur [cut] her throat on Tues abt 2am; now recovering’. This was the entry on 27 April 1869, for Charlotte Coulson, the second wife of George Harrison Coulson, the grandfather of Alice Edith Millen.
Some trades seem to go back centuries in families: there are Coulsons reported as millers in Durham in the 1560s and 1730s, and in Boughton under Blean in Kent from 1841. In the census of that year George is listed as a Corn Miller, employing one man, and in Melville’s Directory of Kent for 1858 he appears as a Miller and Grocer.

George, who was born in Deal c. 1806, worked two mills in Boughton, Bull Lane Mill and a mill on The Street; he died on 8 February 1873, aged 67, and his son, George Harrison Coulson, Jr, was the inheritor, giving him the right to buy ‘the mills and all the messuages [buildings and land] and stock in hand’ of the mills at Boughton, which he had been leasing from his father since 1865. George’s will was executed by George, Jr and William Millen, his son-in-law (Alice Edith’s father). In 1873 George, Jr is recorded as a Miller at the Ordnance Street mill in Chatham, so he may have had a contract as victualler to the Royal Navy at that time. He is also listed as working at mills in Gravesend, Sittingbourne, Hornchurch and Ashford in that year, which looks as if he could not get a living only in Boughton. He had his son Horace working with him, as a smutter at the very top of the mill, working the machine to clean dirt and stones from the meal and grain; some time ‘after 1873’ he ‘lost finger here [Ordnance Street] or at Boughton’. George, Jr married Emma Epps on 30 July 1861 and by 1871 they had 5 children: Arthur 6, Emma 5, Horace 3, Harry 1, and Lewis 3 months.

George was involved in two cases where he was accused of selling underweight goods to his customers – July 1865 ‘Faversham Petty Sess[ions], involved in case re weights’; 19 February 1869 ‘County court case against GC for shortage of [maize] meal delivered’. The summer of 1868 had been unusually hot, with July temperatures in the 90s; the harvest may well have been poor and with not enough crops to mill for the meal and flour he was contracted to deliver to all his customers, George had had to try and get away with short weight. This would have probably involved a fine, and if they were already on the edge of bankruptcy may have provoked Charlotte’s suicide attempt 2 months later. They had moved to a small cottage in 1865, but in the 1871 census George is still listed as a Miller and Master employing 3 men.

George had married his first wife, Phoebe Rowland, born in 1807, the daughter of William Rowland, a farmer from Chilham, on 3 January 1833, when George was c. 27; by 1841 they had 4 children – Mary-Ann (b. 1833) 7, Phoebe (Alice Edith’s mother, b. 1835) 5, Sarah (b. 1836) 5, George, Jr (b. 1838) 3, Kate (b. 1839) 2, Elizabeth (b. 1840) 1; it is not clear if Sarah and Elizabeth lived after birth. Phoebe died in 1846 and on 21 August 1854, when he was c. 48, George married Charlotte Hilder (b. 1813), in Bermondsey, South London. She was the daughter of John, a farmer, so it is unclear why the marriage was not in the country. Despite the events of 1869, she lived to 70, dying in 1883 and outliving her husband by 10 years.

Of George’s children, Kate is listed as living with her father and Charlotte in The Street in the 1871 census but she married John Wood on 26 November 1872, was living in the 1881, 1891 and 1901 censuses at Monk Hill Hernhill Faversham and in the 1911 census at Heydale Farm Challock, near Ashford. Wood was born in 1843, and so was four years younger than his wife, who was by then 33 and may have waited to marry because of the need to look after Charlotte. Phoebe married William Millen on 23 February 1858. He was born in 1835 in Throwleigh Forstall, the largest hamlet in the Throwleigh district of Faversham. He was living there in the 1841 census and in Wilgate Green nearby in 1851. They had three daughters (Helena, b. 1858; Alice Edith, b. 1861; Bertha, b. 1865) and three sons (James George, b. 1862), Frank (b. 1869) and Sydney William (b, 1876). By 1891 Willam had prospered and was farming in the Syndale Valley at Syndale Bottom; by 1901 he was at Syndale Farm, with a new wife, Phoebe having died in 1889.

Thanks Barbara!

bankruptcy George Harrison Coulson

In the County Court of Kent, holden at Canterbury, (n the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition Creditors, instituted by George Harrison Coulson, of Boughton-urider-the-Blean, in the county of Kent, Miller. NOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting
of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the Lower Music Hall, St. Margaret's-street, in the city of Canterbury, on the 4th day of March, 1876, at half-past twelve o'ctock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 16th day of February, 1876. SANKEY, SON, and FLINT, 1, Castle-street, Canterbury, Solicitors for the said Debtor.
This happens only 3 years after the death of George Harrison Coulson Senior.

Here is a bit of background on the County Court, etc.
I am still trying to find out where in the milling year February sits – I know the maize/corn is planted in September and harvested the following August, so cleaning/conditioning/gritting and bagging would be up to about November. From then on, the only income would be from selling, I think, with mill hands to be paid and the mill to be kept in working order – I now know that 'Fan tail blown off in gale, sold for demolition' at the beginning of the 'Tragedy' piece means that the bit on the top of the mill that kept the windmill sails facing into the wind, and so turning to mill the crop, had gone and if the miller could not afford to replace it, the mill was fit for only one thing: demolition, and all his capital with it.

Grave stone G.H.Coulson 

The Mills archive

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Phoebe Rowland

Phoebe Rowland
 In the faimilytree of Ted and Mary we find more about her and her family 
B:1807 in Chilham East Ashford Kent England
D:1846 in Boughton-under-Blean Faversham Kent

Wife of George Harrison Coulson.
Their children
The parents of our Phoebe were William (b. 1770 in Hernhill, where Kate Wood later lived, and d. 1843 in Chilham), and Mary Bass (b. 1770, married 6 October 1793 and d. 1838 in Chilham).

They had 11 children, of whom Phoebe was the 8th: Anne, James and Caroline died in infancy, Moses lived to 2, Elizabeth and Sarah's death date is unknown, but William (b. 1793, 8 weeks after the marriage), John (b.1795) and Catherine (b. 1798) lived into the 1860s and Charlotte (b. 1809) into the 1870s!(Thanks Barbara )

Mary Ann Rowland Coulson B: 1833
Phoebe Coulson B: 1835
Sarah Coulson B: 1836
George Harrison Coulson B: 1838
Kate Coulson B 1839

her Parents William Rowland 1770-1843
and Mary Bass 1770-1838

Monday, 17 August 2015

Phoebe Coulson

Phoebe Coulson was the wife of William Millen.
And the mother of Alice Edith Millen 
Alice Millen was the wife of Charles James Vlieland.
Phoebe Coulson was born 12 april 1835 in Boughton under Blean, Kent, England.
She was the daughter of George Harrison Coulson and Phoebe Rowland .
The Coulsons were millers in Boughton under Blean .
George Harrison Coulson 
In the archives we find a lot of very interesting information .

Boughton under Blean mills
October 2010

A history of the mills of Boughton under Blean, Kent. Covers the history of Mile's Mill and Richardsons's Mill in Boughton under Blean. Includes family history information on George Harrison Coulson and some of his descendants.
Coulson, Richard

 The Mills archive . A lot of this family is to be found on the very detailed website of Ted and Mary 

George Harrison Coulson

George Harrison Coulson married Phoebe Rowland Jan.3 1833 in Chilham Kent England .
From this marriage 
Mary Ann Rowland Coulson 27 Oct 1833 Boughton under Blean, Kent, England 
Phoebe Coulson12 Apr 1835 Boughton under Blean, Kent, England
Sarah Coulson16 Oct 1836 Boughton under Blean, Kent, England

George Harrison Coulson 01 Apr 1838 Boughton under Blean, Kent, England
Kate Coulson 12 May 1839 Boughton under Blean, Kent, England
Lived at Barham on marriage to Phoebe Rowland at Chilham on 3 January 1833. 
 Marriage witnessed by John Rowland and C Norris. 
 Moved to Boughton under Blean where four children were born including son George Harrison Coulson junior born c1838.and daughter Phoebe Coulson 
 Lived at the Mill House, known as Aspley House. 
 Worked two mills until death in 1873, one at Bull Lane and the other on The Street that he took on when Stephen Burton moved to Brekesbourne. 
 Bull Lane Mill was owned by Mary Wratten in 1840. 
In 1841 census employed John Rowland. 
 Listed as a Corn Miller employing one man. 
 Phoebe died prior to 1851. 
Married second wife Charlotte Hilder on 21 August 1854 at Bermondsey. 
 In 1858 Melville’s Directory of Kent, George listed as Miller and Grocer.
 In 1865, passed mill lease to son George Harrison Coulson jnr and moved with Charlotte to a small cottage but described in 1871 census as a Miller and Master employing three men. George died 8 February 1873 aged 67. 
 Will dated 22 March 1862 appointed son George Harrison Coulson and son-in-law
 William Millen as executors giving George jnr the right to buy the messauges and windmill plus stock in hand.

A lot of information can be found on the website of Ted and Mary .

George Harrison Coulson miller

The original Mill archive .

mmiller1865 Jul 19Boughton under Blean      Faversham Petty SessKentinvolved in case re weights - see letterCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George   & George Harrisonmmiller1865Boughton under Blean   Kent& baker  Kelly dirCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison mmiller1871Boughton under BleanKentobtained quote ex Mr HARRISON for new 3'6in FrenChstonesCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison mmiller1873 aftChatham   Ordnance St millKentfinally went thereCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison mmiller1873 Mar 8Boughton under BleanKentprob of will to s GHC; d Feb 8; Coulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison mmiller1873 aftGravesend , Sittingbourne , Hornchurch & AshfordKentworked at these millsCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison mmiller1851Boughton under BleanKent45 w'er b Deal ; emp 1 man +d Mary Ann 17 b Boughton Coulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison mmiller1858Boughton under BleanKent& grocer   ex dirCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrisonmmiller1833Boughton under BleanKentm Phoebe X ROWLAND; he lived Barham; Phoebe at Chilham; Coulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison mmiller1873 aftBoughton under BleanKents G left mill soon aft d of f; s Mary Ann ROWLAND took over occCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison  & w Charlottemmiller1861Boughton under Blean   Kent55 b Deal corn miller emp 1 man cw C 48 b Tonbridge draperCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison  & w Emmammiller1871Boughton under BleanKent& Arthur 6 Emma 5 Horace 3 Harry 1 Lewis 3m all b BuB + servCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison  & w Emmammiller1871Boughton under BleanKent33 b BuB emp 1 m cw Emma 33 b Willesboro + William 7 +Coulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison  &w Charlottemmiller1871Boughton under BleanKent65 emp 3 men b Deal; C 53 b Tonbridge draper + d Kate 25 b BCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison & w Phoebemmiller1841Boughton under BleanKent35; P 35 bb Ken+ Mary 7 Phoebe 5 George 3 Kate 2Coulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison (s of George & Pmmiller1861 Jul 30Boughton under Blean   Kentm Emma EPPS d Thomas carp botp ws Kate C  Wm BROADBRIDGECoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison (s of George & Pmmiller1865Boughton under Blean   Kenttook over lease from f; also bakerCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George Harrison (s of George & Pmmiller1861Boughton under Blean   Boughton StKent33 unm b BuB corn miller emp 1 man cs Kate 33 b BuBCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  George of Boughtonmmiller1869 Feb 19Boughton under Blean   KentCounty Court case against GC for shortage of meal deliveredCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  Horacemmiller1873 aftChatham   Ordnance St millKentworked for f as smutter; lost finger here or at BoughtonCoulson  Chatham
COULSON  Mrs  w Mr G (? Charlotte )fmiller1869 Apr 27Boughton under BleanKentcut her throat on  Tues abt 2am; now recoveringCoulson  Chatham