Sunday 19 January 2014

Exeter memories

6 June 1913

Buller Memorial

A short service of dedication will be held in the Cathedral, at 12:30, to-day (Friday), when the Memorial Tablet toSir Redvers Buller will be unveiled by General Kekewich, C.B.
Two road accidents

About 5 o'clock on Wednesday the lad named Montanden, aged about eleven, was knocked down at the top of Queen-street, Exeter by a motor car driven by Mr Frank Shooter, of Exeter. Dr Vlieland, who was passing, attended the lad, who was not much hurt, and was taken to the house of his parents in Gandy-street. A few moments later, further excitement is caused at the same spot by the Dunsfold-hill car jumping the points and colliding with a Pinhoe-road car. 

The step and front of the Dunsford-hill car with damage, but no one was injured.

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