While searching in Amsterdam for the still not found Jan Hollander .
We find a distillery `de ooievaar `or the stork in Amsterdam.
bearing in mind the story of C.J.Vlieland about the stork we investigate this one.
That is open and where you can buy liqueur
The distillery is founded in 1752.
Maybe Jan and his wife had a drink there to celebrate their wedding.
But it turned out different .It was founded in The Hague in 1782 and later moved to Amsterdam .
The building in The Hague still excist.
So while looking for this building in 1782 in the Hague we found a print of the entry of Saint Nicholas in the Hague.
If you look at it more closeley you can see rioting of the Orangists .
Riots in 1782 !!
Today Saint Nicholas is visiting the Hague as well. He will be staying there and every other town or village in Holland untill the fifth of December to celebrate his birthday.
Then he will return to Spain where he lives .
Then Santa will take over and will visit us .
This is how The Hague looked in 1785.
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