He was already deceased when his daughter married Archibald Graham Petter.
He was married Carolina A.Howard .
He was born 1848 in Stevenage .We find him in the census Head 45 years of age born i Hertfordshire.
His wife Caroline Howard 30 years of age from London. and his son of 11 Enderby Howard
and his daughter of 3 Violet Howard.
Later Iva Dorothy Howard Birth Jan 1893 Pancras, London was born.
Enderby is listed as died on the merchant vessel Zaria in 1905, when he was 25
More information has to be found out.
On a message board I found this .Have to research more.
My half sisters have the names of Endersby Howard. I have managed to confirm that they are descended from William Endersby Howard (source: marriage certificate of son Robert) who left Stevenage circa 1840 and moved to London. William was baptised at Stevenage 1809 (parish records on film) and married Ann Toll. He had a brother John, who was the son of John and Anne(a) at Rooks Nest, a farm in Stevenage.
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