We know the name of the plantation in Suriname. It was a la Bonheure or Good Luck as it would be in English .
After it went from a coffeeplantation into an indigo plantation the name changed to Smaradoekoe which is the suriname word for indigo.
Rivier Beneden-
Commewijne, links in 't afvaren. The plantation was on the Crommewijne river on the left side A la bonne heure. owners H.J. Franken en A. Wildeboer. manager in Suriname A. Wildeboer.
The plantation was on the Crommewijne river on the left side .
The owner was Hendrina Johanna Franke . And later A.Wildeboer .(So far nothing found on them)
Woerden is mentioned on two other plantatations 1,Runawaycamp Weglooperskamp I and
Suzanna's Daal as we can see in the last column of the slaveregister was found on Fort New Amsterdam.

Rivier Beneden-
Commewijne, links in 't afvaren. The plantation was on the Crommewijne river on the left side A la bonne heure. owners H.J. Franken en A. Wildeboer. manager in Suriname A. Wildeboer.
The plantation was on the Crommewijne river on the left side .
The owner was Hendrina Johanna Franke . And later A.Wildeboer .(So far nothing found on them)
Woerden is mentioned on two other plantatations 1,Runawaycamp Weglooperskamp I and
Suzanna's Daal as we can see in the last column of the slaveregister was found on Fort New Amsterdam.

Voor verdere informatie over de personen met deze achternaam kunt u het archief Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen: Vrijverklaarde slaven (Emancipatie 1863) raadplegen. |
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