Friday 24 April 2020

Dutch flowerfields

Morning Post - Friday 14 November 1828

In the newspaper we read, we can post-order Dutch Hyacinths ,paper whites and tulips and crocus and anemonies.
And also Italian macaroni and Parmesan Cheese.

Only the date 1828 was a surprise for this  "online" shopping.

This year because of Covid-19 the flowerfields and the worldfamous Keukenhof are closed.

Tomorrow there should be an flowerparade with all flowers from Rijnsburg where the flowers are auctioned  to the Boulevard in Noordwijk where the float is presented as "the longest traffic jam" But due to the corona rules that is not possible.
so here are some pictures from last year.

Also the Keukenhof cannot and have a digital impression every day , just to show what we will miss this year .

And the flowerbeds always colourfull and beautifull are now clipped , because they would attract to much public.

It is a blow for the farmers as they worked so hard to have the tulips and other springflowers in bloom but they cannot sell them or transport them because of Corona.

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