Tuesday 7 April 2015

Hendrik Vlieland part four

That he signed bill of Lading for the Clinkers or Rushes bound but entered
same at the Customhouse in Rotterdam for Embden allthough he made no Entry there
of the said bags of honey .That neither of the aforesaid bills of lading were read to
him the Respondent but he signed whatever paper Mr Gevers presented to him
for the purpose and further he knows not to answer to the interrogatary
To the fourteenth he knows nothing to answer
To the fifteenth he answers That there was no Charterparty signed for the voyage in Question and
further to the said interrogatory he knows not to answer
To the sixteenth he answers That all the Papers Bills of Lading Letters and other loutings onboard of the ship at the time she took her departure from the last clearing port before her being 
taken as prize were delivered up to thr captors and that none of them were burnt ,torn,thrown 
overboard destroyed or cancelled ,cocealed or attempted to be concealed and further to this Interrogatery he knows not to answer.
To the seventeenth he answers That the said ship was never to his knowledge seyzed as prize 
before the present capture and further to this Interrogatery he knows not to answer.
To the eightteenth he answers That at present he does not know what laws he has sustained 
by the seyzing and taking of the Ship in Question That he has not received any indemnity satisfaction
or promise of satisfaction of any part of the damage which he has sustaines or may sustain by this capture 
and detention and further to this interrogatary he knows not to answer.
To the nineteenth he answers That the said ship and goods are neither of the insured to his knowledge
and further he cannot answer to Interrogatery.
To The twentieth he answers That the Clincers and rushes on board are his own property and that he 
intended to take the chance of the market for the sale there of in Case he had arrived at London That he 
the bags of honey would have immediately become the property of Mr Usele to whom they were consigned
and he answers hen to this Interrogatery he knows not to answer 
To The twentyfirst he answers That the Clinkers and rushes were the produce of Holland And further to this Interrogatery  he knows not to answer .
                                                                    Henrick Vlielander  H his mark

2015 note This document is part of the prizepapers used for the Interrogation of master and crew of the Aufwaerdter ,It is still kept at the National Archives in Kew..

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