De Jonge Elisabeth captured by ship of war Harpy
Der aufwaerter captured by ship of war Courier
Beatrix Elizabeth
Imperial - Russian-Majesty, stationed in the Elbe.
On the 27th of March 1813, I received the Order from Baron von Tettenborn, to arm such of those Vessels, that the French had left sunk in the Port of Hamburgh, and that could be got up and made ready with the greatest dispatch.
I immediately made my application to Mr Bernitt, the Inspector of the Hambro Admiralty, to get an Order for the delivery of the Pennices, which was complyed with.
I then according with my orders, opened a Rendez-Vous for the purpose of entering Seamen for the Service.
Having engaged a sufficient number of Officers and men for those Pennices, I repassed to the Inspector of the Admiralty, and demanded the Guns, that were fitted for those Pennices, then laying in the Arsenal; which demand was refused under the pretence, that the Inspector had not received an official order from the Baron.
I then made my Application to a Gentleman, which No 2 will explain, who repair'd to the head-quarter, to obtain the necessary orders.
During this interval, I transported the French-Admiral: Yacht to the Carpenter's ways, to be put in a state, fit for the Service.
At 10 P.M. I received four Guns from the Hambro-Admiralty’s-Yacht, but at that unreasonable hour I could not muster the People sufficient for to man them.
However the four Officers and the few men, that I had on board of the Liberator, arrang'd the matter as well as they could, to act upon the defensive.
On the 28th, having received a special order, I went with my awkward Squad= to the Admiralty and took from the Arsenal eight Guns and Carriages for the Lugger; also the Guns and Swivels for the Pennices, which I mounted.
After returning the Guns, that I had received from the Brig, I order'd the little Squadroon under my Command out of Harbour, to be ready to act, as necessity requir’d it.
But a certain jealousy reign'd, which may be compared with the fable of the dog in the manger, I could get nothing out of the hands of those in office, but by main force.
I demanded small arms and ammunition, but mone to be had. I also apply'd
Abendroth the Mayor of Hamburgh, opposed every thing, that was apply'd for
to him.
Abendroth the Mayor of Hamburgh, opposed every thing, that was apply'd for
to him.
He and the Inspector were two sleeves of the same habit.
However not to retard the Service, I took upon myself to victual my officers and men, at the Rendezvous, and at the risque of my being obliged to pay for them. - On the 30th at 41 A.M. the Baron visited the flying Squadrow under my Command, and gave me orders to lift a Cutter and two of the sunken Brigs, which with the assistance of the Harbour-Master I easely accomplish'd, and transported them to different Carpenters, to be put in a state fit for service.
But there arising some difference among the Baron's officers with respect to their Pre-money, which the sale of those Vessels would produce, they ordered, that those vessels should again be hauld into the harbour.
Thus thing remained in a state of inactivity until the 2d of April, when a Captain Miller of Altona received a Commission and full power to dispose over the arsenal and the admiralty's Yacht.
At 10 A.M. he gave orders for the Squadron to be moored in a line ahead the Admiralty's Yacht, the Van to the Eastward upon the Ebb, the French Admiral's Yacht in the Center, and the Liberator in the Rear; to prepare for a Grand Salute, as the Baron was to pass and view the Squadron on his way to breakfast on board of a Merchant Vessel, called the Carolus.
His orders being compleated, I made my demand to him for powder.
His answer was, that he had none.
I then made my application to the Inspector, who sent me about 20 t. This not being sufficient, I ordered Capt. Guttry, whom I had appointed to the Command of the Yacht, called the Cosaque, to send me a part of his powder, which order was comply'd with.
At noon the Baron arrived and was saluted from each Vessel as he pass'd by, and also on his return at 5 P.M. On the third I sailed into the Köhlbrand and took that station.
This Capt. Miller, although better protected then I was, met with no better success.
He had taken a naturalized Jew for his Secretary.
His office; was in the same tavern, where this man had been clerk for two or three years; s fellow of a laughly and vindicative spirit, who rather retarded than forwarded the Service.
April the 5th I received an order from the Baron, to take a crew for the Liberator Lugger, under my Command as Chief on the water, and stationed in the Köhlbrand, the Courier, Captain Wichers, station’d at Harbourgh, and the Cosaque, Captain Bluhm,
station'd at the Zollenspeicher, and to give with each of those Wessels a Pennice, to
orieu two Brigs.
station'd at the Zollenspeicher, and to give with each of those Wessels a Pennice, to
orieu two Brigs.
I immediatly applyd to the Inspector for the Guns and Stores, who told me, that he could do nothing, without the consent of the Mayor.
However I appointed two Captains and ordered them, to engage their officers and men.
I then repaired to the Head-Quarter, and complained to the Baron of the disrespect, that was pay’d to his orders.
The Baron immediately sent for the Mayor; he was at dinner, when I made my Complaint to him. I attended in the dining-room. for the arrival of the Mayor.
In the interval an officer at the table, sitting on the left of the Baron, asked me: if I was an Englishman?
My answer was: that I had the honour to be of that Nation.
He them presented my with a bumper of Wine.
His questions I answerd in the affirmative.
Upon the arrival of the Mayor, he spoke something in the ear of the Baron, unintelligible to me. He then began to browbeat me with respect to my Nation.
I answer'd him with as good, as he sent, and in reply to the Baron's discourse, I said: that man is a Frenchman in his heart, and he would find it so, when it was too late.
The Mayor quitted the room in such a Passion that he forgot his hat.
After his leaving the room, I desir'd to know: what names should be given to those Brigs.
The answer I received was: that I could give them, what names I thought proper.
At 8 P.M. I left the Head-Quarter and went to the Admiralty.
I found the Inspector a little more compliable.
We mamed the Brigs, the one the Alexander, Capta Dannenberg; the other the Tettenborn, Capta Dormann.
At 14 P.M.–I-returned on board of the Liberator.
On the 24th. I apply'd to Mayor von Pfuhl, for small arms and ammunition; from whom I received an order on the Commission, for every thing, that I required.
I immediatly went to their office with the order, but could obtain nothing.
From thence I went to the Inspector of the Admiralty and insisted upon his providing me with powder and balls; who gave me two Quarter-Barrels of Powder.
Cartridge-Paper I was oblige'd to purchase with my own Money.
On the 23 the Brigs were compleat for the Service in every thing, but small arms and ammunition.
On the 24th I dispatch'd Lieutnant Vlieland with orders to the Magistrates of Morburgh, Langbroock and Altenwärder, to send every Vessel that would swim to Hamburgh.
On this Expedition they retook an Ever, called the Cygne, which five of the french Douamiers had taken, who deserted her upon the aproach of my boat.
At the same time, that I dispatch'd Lieutnant vlieland, I order'd the Pennice to be mann’d and set sail for Harburgh.
As soon as I came within the reach of the Guns of the Cutter, they fired point-blank at me, although they could planly see my colours.
Upon my entering on board of the Cutter, I asked Captn. Wichers, if he had orders from the Mayor to fire upon me, as he well knew, that the Pennice belong'd to me.
His answer was: that he had orders froh the commanding officer of Harburgh, to fire upon every Vessel and make them assist in transporting the remaining horses from Harburgh over the river to Wilhelmsburgh.
I left the Cutter and saild with the Pennice into *9 Harburgh. I demanded of the commanding officer of this cavalry, with what I could, or should assist him with?
His answer was: to assist him in shipping and transporting his men and horses to Wilhelmsburgh.
During the time, that my People was embarking this cavalry, I had some conversation with Cap'n Wichers, respecting the Defense of the Cutter, in case of an attack, and gave him for my advice, to plant two or three of his Guns behind a little hillock, which is right opposite to the opening of * Harburgh; that in case of necessity would cover his retreat.
His answer to my council was: that he could do nothing without the orders of the Commandant. I desir'd him to introduce me to this officer which he did.
I remonstrated with this officer the necessity of such a measure.
He answer'd me: that he could do nothing, before he had made his report.
I offered to be the bearer of this report, which offer was rejected.
I then set sail for Hamburgh, the wind being from the S.S.E. and the latter part of the Ebb, we caught the Ground, between Horishoe and the High Dyke.
At noon I arrived at Hamburgh and went to the Head-Quarter and made my Report. -
I again made my application for the small arms and ammunition, that had long been ordered for me, but without Effect.
At 6 P.M. I departed from Hamburgh, and at half past 7, I arrived along side of the Liberator. After taking a little refreshment, I set off in my Cig arm’d, to go to the Cutter with the nightparol. At 11 I came along side of the Courier Cutter, I found it rather strange, to find so many small Eavers and Boats, moored on each side and a stern of the Cutter.
I said to Captn Wichers: that I was much surprised, after the orders, that he had received,
he did not send these small Craft to Hamburgh.
he did not send these small Craft to Hamburgh.
His answer was: that he did not
Knowing the impossibility of navigating with the Liberator between the Köhlbrand and Harburgh, I embarked four of my Guns on board of the Eaver, which we had taken, and transported them to a convenient Place behind the Dyke, on the Island of Catwyk.
Knowing the impossibility of navigating with the Liberator between the Köhlbrand and Harburgh, I embarked four of my Guns on board of the Eaver, which we had taken, and transported them to a convenient Place behind the Dyke, on the Island of Catwyk.
During the time, that we were occupied in this manouvox, I received from the Mër von Pfuhl the Letter No 4. Notwithstanding I follow'd my former Plan, and dispatched Lieutnant Vlieland to the Head-Quarter, to demand english arms, as all the farmers were willing to fight, but had no arms; and those that I had were not to be trusted to, being muskets made for the Slave trade.
As soon as it was dark, I ordered the two Pennices to be moored in a situation, so as to act in consort with our little Battery, if in case the enemy should attempt to make his escape with the Cutter.
Things being arranged in the best manner possible, I sent out a pan of my sailors with some of the farmers in company with them to patrole the low part of the Island, facing Harburgh, least the enemy should land, and take us by surprise in the rear.
At midnight Lieutnant Vlieland returned, but without arms.
On the 30th at 4 A.M. the Enemy marched out of Harburgh and posted themselves at Morburgh and a party right opposite to the Battery.
The Distance between us being too great for me, to do them any material injury,
I judged it most prudeut, not to fire at them, as by finding of our shot, they would know our weakness.
On the first of May I went to the Head-Quarter and demanded arms, but could obtain nome others, but those Negroe-Muskets and 400 BallCartridges, the balls of which were too large. Upon my making this remark to the officer, that delived them to me, he told me, that I must cut the ball in two.
Before 1 returned, I went to a plumber and ordered 1500, that would suit the muskets, which I was obliged to pay for before hand. At 2 P.M. I returned to the Battery.
Upon my arrival Mr Vlieland informed me, that two men had landed upon the S.E. extremity of the Island.
Two of my men being on the patrol, on seeing them, made towards them,supposing from their habits, they were farmers.
They advanced within 500 yards of each other, when these two men stood still, and made signs for my two men to advance; but not trusting to the appearences, my men made the best of their way for the Battery; and those following them, threw of their mask and fired at them.
The too great eagerness of Mr Vlieland's persuing, was the means by which they escaped, for they threw their great-coats and muskets into the river; being so unburthen'd, they gained their Boat, and got of.
On the 24 of May I received from the Head-quarter the Letter No 5. In compliance to this Letter I set of immediatly for Wilhelmsburgh, but upon my arrival there, the Count Kielmansegge was absent.
I waited at his Quarters until sun-set, without having the pleasure of seeing him.
However I communicated the principle part of my mission to the then commanding-officer, and so returned to my post. At 9 P.M.
I dispatched Mr Vlieland with the Gig arm'd for to execute the orders I had received.
On my arrival at the Köhlbrand, I was happy to find a Detachment of the Anseatic-Legion and thirty Cosaques, as I had but one man and a boy left on Board of the Lugger, after manning the Battery and the other Boats for the Service; being allow'd no more then thirty three officers, men and boys myself included.
On the 34 of May, having received Intelligence of the French, being in possesion of a number of boats * different sizes, then laying in a Sluce by Nienfeldt, I proposed to the officers of this Detachment to embark five of my Gums, and land them on the Altenwärder, and from thence transport them by land to the Finkenwärder; it being then half ebb, we could pass without being obliged to discharge our waggons, before we arrived at our place of distination. My council was adhered to, and at 3 P. M. we landed our Guns on the Allenwärder, having taken the precaution to cover them in the Waggons with trusses of straw, to obscure them from the sight of the enemy, as the Waggons were obliged to pass on the out-side of the Dyke.
At 6 P.M. I arrived with the Waggons behind a th: patch of osiers, which obscured me from the view of the enemy.
Having planted my Guns, the Infantry drew out over the Dyke, the enemy advanced and attacked our little Detachment.
I reserved my fire until the ememy made a halt, and the Eavers advanced, it being then the tide of Flood.
These Eavers had on board a Detachment, of the Meklenburger-Infantry; a smalt fire took place, and as soon as the Enemy found, that we had Artillery, they retreated into the village.
The result of our Expedition was the taking of the boats.
The Meklenburgers returned to Hamburg.
At 8 P.M. I dismounted my Guns and loaded them inthe Waggons; at 2 P.M. I arrived on board of the Liberators forgot the Gan.
I made my application to the Inspector, who gave me for answer: that the order for the Gun was cóatsemanded, and that he should send for the ammunition.
I thereupon told him: the shot he might have, but the powder he should not.
Finding, that I could not obtain, what was necessary for the Pennices,
I thought it most proper, to withdraw them from the Catwyke to the Kahlbrandt, and
to arm the Broom-Stick Eaver, being better adapted to cruize in the shallow waters.
I thought it most proper, to withdraw them from the Catwyke to the Kahlbrandt, and
to arm the Broom-Stick Eaver, being better adapted to cruize in the shallow waters.
Having armed the Eaver with four one Pound metal and two # th Iron Swivels,
I proposed making a diversion along the river from Morburgh to Harburgh.
On the 6th at 40 P.M., I dispatched Lieutnant Vlieland with eight of my men, and as many milkmen on board the Eaver.
An other Party of my men with the farmers I ordered along the shore to the Extremity of the Iland.
At midnight “a brisk fire commenced on both sides, which continued until about half past 1, without any loss on our side, only one man slightly wounded.
At 2 A.M. M. Vlieland return’d after disturbing the Enemy? from their night-repose.
On the 7th I got an order for a three Pound-Gun and Slide, which I mounted on board of the Eaver, and made use of her as necessity, or the Service required.
On the 9th by the desire of Mr Munster, Lieutenant of the Anseatic-Legion, I sent an Indent to Count Kielmansegge for those Stores and Ammunition, that were necessary for the Service of my Station.
At 7 P.M. I received 450 rounds of Powder and Ball for the Battery and Lugger, but nothing for the Eaver.
On the 10th at 2 A. M. an Officer of the Anseatic-Legion arriyed from the Altenwärder, who informed me, that the French were landed upon that Wand.
The Feldwebel of our little detachment came to me to know: what I meant to do?
I answerd him, to defend myself as long as I could.
I immediately dispatch'd my Boatswain Peter Perterson in my Gig, with ammunition and orders for Mr Vlieland at the Battery, to fight as long as he could;and that I would come as soon as possible with the Eaver, and cover his retreat.
A few minutes after the departure of my Boat, I set sail for the Altenwarder and 2.
brought from thence the two Guns, that I had lent to the Anseatic-Legion, one Soldier and one Cosaque, with had been left behind.
brought from thence the two Guns, that I had lent to the Anseatic-Legion, one Soldier and one Cosaque, with had been left behind.
After setting those two men on the Kahlbrandt, I returned and moored the Broom-Stick Eaver along side of a wicker jetty, directly opposite to, where the Enemy must pass in full view.
At 7 A.M. the Enemy advanced with Drums-beating along the Dyke from the W estward.
As soon as their Center as near as I could judge, had turn'd the Corner, and marched to the Southward, I commenced my fire.
With what Success I cannot say, but could see those to the Southward dćend behind the Dyke, and those to the Westward before the Dyke amongst the trees, and open'd their Fire upon us; about half an hour after the fire had commenced, six or seven of my Beef-Eaters, who had deserted from the Battery, attempted to pass the Ever.
I ordered to fire at them, and brought them along side.
About half an hour afterwards my Lieutenant came a long side with those, that had staid by him, to spike and hide the Guns.
Having more men, then necessary on board of the Broom-Stick, I sent a part of them on board of the Liberator with orders to the Boatswain, to trip the Anchor, and drop the Liberator so far down, as that the Enemy could not come in our rear.
About 41 A.M. the Enemy ceased firing.
I then left the Command of the Eaver to Mr Vlieland and proceeded on board of the Lugger, which for the want of strength and a little more activity had caught the Ground.
At Noon with the flood, we hove her off. During the time, we were employed, an ordinance eame on board to me with orders from General Tettenborn for me, not to quit my station, and that he would send me assistance.
In Compliance to his Orders I towed the Lugger again to her station in the Kahlbrandt.
As soon as the Liberator was moored, I ordered the Gig to be arm'd and mann'd, with such Muskets, as I had.
I then rowed up to the Eyer and ordered Lieutnant Vlieland to cast off from the jetty and sail up close to the Vland, that my Intention was to dislodge the Enemy from among the trees.
They let us advance within & Pisol-shot before they commenced their fire, which was brisk, but badly directed.
It continued about half an hour, for the well directed fire from the three Pounder, that was on board the Eaver, put them to *. and they took shelter behind the Dyke.
In this scuffel we had three men wounded, and the Sails of the Eaver very much shattered.
The Enemy fired pieces necks of Glass-Bottles, as appeard by the wounds, that my Cook received, for of the neck of a Glass-Bottle severed his thumb from his hand, and a part * in
Lieutnant Munster, came, to me, and asked me: if I thought it was possible to make
a Coup de main on the yand of Catwyk, and retake our tents.
Lieutnant Munster, came, to me, and asked me: if I thought it was possible to make
a Coup de main on the yand of Catwyk, and retake our tents.
My answer was: that it was not impossible, but that we had not strength enough, and that we must be certain, whether the French hat left the Alteuwarder, or not, before we could under-
take such an Enterprise.
At 14 P. M., Mr Vlieland 'gurned with the Broom-Stick Eaver and informed me: that he had been close to the Wand, but the wind blowing fresh from the S.E., a strong Ebb, and the Sails of the Eaver in so shattered a condition, he could not gain the jetty; but that he had fired several times, but did not receive any return.
take such an Enterprise.
At 14 P. M., Mr Vlieland 'gurned with the Broom-Stick Eaver and informed me: that he had been close to the Wand, but the wind blowing fresh from the S.E., a strong Ebb, and the Sails of the Eaver in so shattered a condition, he could not gain the jetty; but that he had fired several times, but did not receive any return.
However he observed, that upon his firing the French set fire to the tents, they had taken from
us upon the Catwyk.
On the 44th at 4 A.M. I dispatch'd Lieutnant Vlieland in the Broom-Stick Eaver
with orders to land on the Altenwärder, and that, if there were no Frenchmen upon the land, for to arrest the Magistrate, and that I would follow him with an other Eaver, which belong'd to one Meyer.
us upon the Catwyk.
On the 44th at 4 A.M. I dispatch'd Lieutnant Vlieland in the Broom-Stick Eaver
with orders to land on the Altenwärder, and that, if there were no Frenchmen upon the land, for to arrest the Magistrate, and that I would follow him with an other Eaver, which belong'd to one Meyer.
I thereupon arm'd a party of the farmers belonging to the Catwyke, and the places adjacent, and set sail; finding, that there were no French upon the Altenwärder, I left Mr Vlieland to execute my Orders, and sailed with my Party for the Catwyke, in order to recover my Guns.
Upon my landing on the Catwyke, I found, that the French had destroy'd every thing in the house
of the man, who had render'd me the greatest of services.
Upon my landing on the Catwyke, I found, that the French had destroy'd every thing in the house
of the man, who had render'd me the greatest of services.
As soon as Mr Vlieland came up with the arm'd Eaver, we went to work to recover our Guns, the which accomplish'd, we set sail, and at 10 A.M. came along side of the Liberator.
At 5 P.M. a party of the Farmers from the Altenwärder came a long side and inform'd me of
the barbarity which the French had committed upon je body of one of the Anseatic- Legion, which they had made Prisoner upon that Wand.
the barbarity which the French had committed upon je body of one of the Anseatic- Legion, which they had made Prisoner upon that Wand.
Being exasperated at such horrid cruelty, and to convince the Magistrate of Hamburgh, whether the Report was true, I ordered the Farmers to bring me the body before Midnight, for, if they did
not, I would repair to the Altenwarder and burn all before me.
not, I would repair to the Altenwarder and burn all before me.
At 11 P.M. they brought me the body in a coffin.
On the 12 at 5 A.M. I gave the liberty to the farmer for one Eaver to each Dorp, where the French were not, with these Instructions: that by day, they should hoist a white Flag, which upon the approach of the Enemy should be hauld down; and that by night, they should set fire to two or three trusses of straw, so as not to be seen by the Enemy.
After arranging Matters with the Commanding Officer of the Detachment of the Anseatic-Legion, I set sail with the Broom Stick Eaver for Hamburgh, taking along with me the above mentioned dead body.
At 44 A. M. I arrived in Hamburgh.
After making my report at the HeadQuarters, I made application to Mr Bernitt, the Inspector of the Admirality, to provide me with Sails for the Broom-Stick Eaver.
He gave me for answer: that he had none. 3’then demanded Canvas and a sailmaker; those could also not be had.
He further said to me: that if I was in such a haste, I should take in requisition the Sails from one of the Milk-Eavers.
Finding, I could obtain, neither the one, mor the other of those Necessaries, I went to a Sailmaker on. the Vorsätzen, and took 20 Ells of Canwas and two balls of twine, and repaird to my station.
At 7 P.M. 4 Eavers with a Betachment of the Anseatic-Legion arrived at my Station.
After remaining a short time, they all embarked and return'd to Hamburgh, leaving me and my little force to the mercy of the winds.
As soon as these troops were gone, I judged it most prudent to send the Penniees and the other small Craft to Hamburgh, as the Lugger and the Eaver was all, that I could properly man. On the 13th at 5 A. M. I received intelligence that the French were on the Altenwärder, Catwyke and Neuhoff.
I went on shore, and ordered every Boat, that would swim, to be immediatly transported to Hamburgh.
On entering one of the farmer's houses, I heard the Mistress say: that she must provide bread, against the French came.
I asked, where she could provide her Bread from ?
that I would let nothing pass the Liberator?
She answer'd me: from the Mill right opposite on the other side of the river.
This miller had long been suspected both by me and the Officers of the Anseatic-Detachment.
I immediatly sail'd over in a Milk-Eaver, and took all the flour I could find and the Sails of the mill on board of the Liberator.
On the 14th the Sails of the Broom-Stick were compleated and she again fit for the Service. I sent Mr Vlieland to cruize with her between the Kahlbrandt and the Altenwarder.
At 7 P.M. it ule branches of the river below my station.
But by keeping to far to the Eastward the Lugger caught the ground abaft, and swung with her head to the N. N. E.; which in one point of view was an advantage rather, than a disadvantage, for then my broadside commanded the three Branches of the river, that the Enemy could descen'd for to atti: me.
As soon as the Deck was cleard, I ordered the Eaver to be hauld upon the Starboard Quarter and man'd her, at Midnight. My Boatswain return’d and brought along with him a small Boat, on board of which was a Servant of the Magistrate of Neuhoff, who came express there from to inform me: that the French had embarked onboard of 4 Eavers a Party of Myrines, and that a Party of Douamiers and Marines were upon their march across the Iland, and that he supposed their Iatention was, to attack our little force. I thank'd and desir'd him to row to Altona out of the
About half an hour after, I could see them advance, although but slowly and
without any noise, until they came to a jetty.
without any noise, until they came to a jetty.
The contratide there put their Boats in disorder, and I could plainly hear them swear.
Having rowed to the point, they found their mistake, at not finding the Lugger on her former station.
However they rowed towards us.
I then ordered a musket to be fir’d at them.
Finding themselves. discover'd they made all their Efforts to gain the Lugger, but our well directed fire made them turntail and row for the Land.
Their Party on the Land began to fire at. us, but the distance was to great for them, to do us much Injury.
On the 45th at 3 A.M. two Boats from Hamburgerberg came along side; the one with a russian-officer; the other with the Hamburgerbürger-Guard.
Finding themselves. discover'd they made all their Efforts to gain the Lugger, but our well directed fire made them turntail and row for the Land.
Their Party on the Land began to fire at. us, but the distance was to great for them, to do us much Injury.
On the 45th at 3 A.M. two Boats from Hamburgerberg came along side; the one with a russian-officer; the other with the Hamburgerbürger-Guard.
After inquiring into the cause of our firing, they return'd.
At 4 A.M. it being foggy, I ordered the Gig to be man'd, and after giving the necessary orders to Mr Vlieland, we rowed a small distance from the Liberator, and then laid upon our oars, keeping a great silence.
A little time after, H heard the elashing of oars in the water in the same direction as the night before, the French had made their attempt. I therefore made the Signal for 14 to fire from the Lugger, in that Direction.
Directly after the report of the Gun, I heard a trumpet.
By this time the Boat was in view.
I ordered to row towards them, when upon our approach, one of their Sailors took from around his waist a white shawl, which he made fast to a Boat-hook, and stuck it up in the Bow of the Boat. .
Upon my laying them along side, the officer asked me for the Commander.
My answer was: that I was the Person.
They then threw something over board to Leeward, the which I could not see for the Sail, but from the Number of men, that were in the Eaver, I supposed to be arms.
I ordered them along side of the Liberator.
Upon their coming a long side,
I desir'd the officer to come on board, which he absolutly refused; finding him so obstimate, I told him, that I found it my duty to conduct him to the Head-Quarters
He remonstrated greatly his being a flag of truce, going to Altona.
To all of which I answerd: that the number of men, that was in the Eaver, and his obstinacy was the cause, that I should conduct him to Hamburgh; and if the General Tettenborn thought proper to let him pass, that I should do my duty.
This officer finding me inflexible, took some papers out of his waistcoat-pocket, tore them * into Pieces, and threw them into the River.
The other threw off the trumpeter's Coat, and prooved to be a Gensd'arme, who pulled out what he had, said: that he would piss upon me.
Captain Croiser of the Ranger of South-Shields, who was on board of the : Liberator at the same time, was an Eyewitness to the fact.
I took the french Eaver in * tow, and conducted her to Hamburgh, and made her fast to the Piles, outside of the | harbour and made my report to the officer of the Guard, who sent to the General.
About 7 A.M. General Tettenborn went along side of the Parlementaire;
I waited his | return. When he came on shore, he in a disdainful manner told me, that I was drunk, and that I fired without reflection, and that the Enemy was four Leagues from me the night before I in reply told him: that he was unacquainted with what pass'd upon the Water. Thereupon he took me by the Collar and ordered me to be arrested, and gave orders to the Inspector, to bring the Liberator into Port.
On the 16th at Noon'I was liberated and went on board of my Lugger, where I found a Guard from the Hamburgh Admiralty.
On the 18" I received the following note from the Inspector:
As by order of the Baron General von Tettenborn no more ships are to be.armed for the Service, and those that are arm'd for the Service, to be disarmed, so
On the 20 at 9 P.M. an officer accompanied with/Harbour-Master Meincke, came along side of the Liberator with orders from the Baron von Tettenborn for me, to take my crew and moor three Prams, which were armed each of them with a field piece, and maned with People from the Shore.
As by order of the Baron General von Tettenborn no more ships are to be.armed for the Service, and those that are arm'd for the Service, to be disarmed, so
On the 20 at 9 P.M. an officer accompanied with/Harbour-Master Meincke, came along side of the Liberator with orders from the Baron von Tettenborn for me, to take my crew and moor three Prams, which were armed each of them with a field piece, and maned with People from the Shore.
Notwithstanding the dishonourable treatment, that I had received from the Baron and at the same time under a sort of an arrest as the Guard was yet on board, but for the Good of the Service, I comply'd with his orders, and placed them in the most proper Places, so as to annoy the Enemy, in case of an attack.
At midnight the Enemy with one Pemnice and six Eavers attacked and carried the Admiralty's Yacht.
At midnight the Enemy with one Pemnice and six Eavers attacked and carried the Admiralty's Yacht.
During the fray I was haild from the Shore to give fire from the Liberators I in answer told them: that they must first send me arms.
Then my Guard left me.
On the 2í my Crew's time was expired, according to their agreement. I there fore paid them off, and demanded my Dimission and a Passport for to return to England.
On the 2í my Crew's time was expired, according to their agreement. I there fore paid them off, and demanded my Dimission and a Passport for to return to England.
Which was not comply'd with for what reasons I cannot say.
On the 29 at 4 A.M. an officer of the Hamburgerbürger - Guard came with a
verbal order for me, to take the Sailors from the Prams, and go to the Hamburgerberg,
and place the Guns, that I should find there within the Battery.
On the 29 at 4 A.M. an officer of the Hamburgerbürger - Guard came with a
verbal order for me, to take the Sailors from the Prams, and go to the Hamburgerberg,
and place the Guns, that I should find there within the Battery.
As soon as I collegted the People from among the confusion, as I can equal it to nothing but that of a flock of sheep, who upon the approach of the wolves the shepherd had left his flock, I repaird to execute the order; planting the English Colours on the West, and the russian on the
East Extremity of the Battery.
East Extremity of the Battery.
While we were occupied, the Dames came and ordered me to haul down my Colours, for that I should not fire a Gun.
My answer was: that I would not strike my Colours for an inferior force, and so continued our work.
About half an hour afterwards the Dames came in force and desired me to desist.
About half an hour afterwards the Dames came in force and desired me to desist.
I answered: that I would not, unless they took me as Prisoner, which they did, and
conducted me and my Lieutnant Vlieland to their commanding-officer in Hamburgh, who told me: that the Danes were not at war with Russia, therefore he could not detain us.
conducted me and my Lieutnant Vlieland to their commanding-officer in Hamburgh, who told me: that the Danes were not at war with Russia, therefore he could not detain us.
I then with Lieutnant Vlieland returned on board of the Liberator, where I found the greatest Part of my Crew.
After taking some refreshment I ordered my long Boat to be manned and armed, being determin'd, if it was possible, to hinder the French from entering the Town by water, before it was night.
At 8 P.M. I returned on board of the Liberator.
Upon my returning on the shore a certain Gentleman said to me: Debnam there is nothing more to be done upon the water.
My answer was that if they were sold upon the land, I had with my small crew done my best on the water.
At 9 P.M. their first Beat entered the Port.
On the 30th at 9 A.M. I dropt the Liberator down with the tide to the western Gate.
At 11 A.M. having only my Cabbin boy on board, I set a Jury fore sail and cast off from the Piles.
On passing the Hamburger Pickeroon-Yacht, they haild me, and ordered me to come te," Anchor: but I paid mo respect to their orders, and so proceeded to Altona.
At noon I came to an Anchor astern of the Danish Watch-Ship.
On the 24 of June the Danes sent a Guard onboard of the Liberator under the Pretence of protecting me from the French.
At 3 P.M. the danish Guard-Ships Boat came along side with a french Officer and marines, into whose hands they delivered me and the Lugger, who transported her and me to Hamburgh.
How I there have been treated is well known to every Good Hamburger.
General Count Schulenburg.

The undersigned Commander of the Liberator Lugger Commandant and Chief of his I. R. Majesty's Marine stationed 2#. Elbe by order of his Excellence Count Witgenstein under the order of General Tettenborn, begs 1eave to inform your Excellence of the disloyal behaviour of the Danish Commandant of Altona. -
Excellences I am a subject of Great Britain in the Service of Russia.
How I there have been treated is well known to every Good Hamburger.
General Count Schulenburg.
The undersigned Commander of the Liberator Lugger Commandant and Chief of his I. R. Majesty's Marine stationed 2#. Elbe by order of his Excellence Count Witgenstein under the order of General Tettenborn, begs 1eave to inform your Excellence of the disloyal behaviour of the Danish Commandant of Altona. -
Excellences I am a subject of Great Britain in the Service of Russia.
On the 29 of May as 4 A.M. I received order by an ordinance from the General Tettenborn to place the Guns that were upon the Hambroberg within the Battery and to arrange every thing so as to be in a state of defence.
In compliance with this order as soon as I could muster my little force from among the confusion that then reigned in Hamburg, who were like - sheep that had lost their sheepherd.
I repaird to the Battery and commenced to execute my orders.
On the West side I planted the English and on the East the Russian Colours.
Before I had compleated transporting the Guns, a Danish Corprals Guard arrived and demanded me to strike my Colours, for I should not fire a Gun.
In answer to this demand I told him that as soon as the Danes would plant theirs, I would haul down mine.
Thus things remained in a state of suspence and inactivity untill a Lieutnant arrived with a superior force, I drew up my men in line of defence.
The Danish Officer advanced and I met him halfway between our men.
This Officer received me with every mark of honour altho
I was in Sailor's habit and politely told me, that he had no Danish Colours at that moment, and as England and Denmark was at war he deem'd it most prudent for me to submit, to which I acceded
My little force then lay'd down their arms and my Lieutnant presented his upon certain conditions.
For my part I was without one.
I was in Sailor's habit and politely told me, that he had no Danish Colours at that moment, and as England and Denmark was at war he deem'd it most prudent for me to submit, to which I acceded
My little force then lay'd down their arms and my Lieutnant presented his upon certain conditions.
For my part I was without one.
Me Sword which this Officer honorably refused to accept.
and my Lieutnant was escorted to Hamburg. After a short intervue with the Danish Commandant, he render'd us our liberty.
and my Lieutnant was escorted to Hamburg. After a short intervue with the Danish Commandant, he render'd us our liberty.
I with my Lieutnant repaired onboard of the Lugger under my Command and acted as the Service and my duty required.
On the 30 at 6 A. M. I went on shore in quest of my Crew, but not one of them was to be found.
I therefore resolved to transport my Lugger to Altona, which I accomplished with the assistance of my Cabbin boy.
On the 2d of June at 10 A.M. the Commandant of the Danish Marine sent a boat on board and left three men to guard the Lugger.
I went on shore to Altona to inquire into the cause.
I went on shore to Altona to inquire into the cause.
The answer that I received was that Mr Haffner would deliver me and the Lugger into the hands of the French. I remained on shore untill the tide of Flood which was about 2 P. M. not expecting to experience such treacherous behaviour.
About 8 P. M. the Danish Guardships Boat arrived with a French Officer and one Marine, to whom my person and the Lugger that I commanded was delivered,
I call upon your own Subjects to witness the fact.
As soon £s this french Officer was on board he forgot all decency, he to'd me in the presence of the Danish Boats Crew that General van Dam would shoot me like a dog in twenty four hours.
As soon £s this french Officer was on board he forgot all decency, he to'd me in the presence of the Danish Boats Crew that General van Dam would shoot me like a dog in twenty four hours.
I submitted patiently to all his abusive language.
In short I am in the hands of the French lock'd up like a Criminal; my fare Bread and Water.
Above You have the facts. The part You will take in this affair remains for Your
superior knowledge. I ask no more than Justice, Truth and Loyalty. In the expectation of which I remain with respect

Above You have the facts. The part You will take in this affair remains for Your
superior knowledge. I ask no more than Justice, Truth and Loyalty. In the expectation of which I remain with respect
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