100 francs reward
To prevent smuggling to England ,the French police tried to stop correspondence to England.
They did not succeed .
A lot of Rotterdam traders were trading since 1635.The Fellowship of Merchant Adventurers was active.
The pilot for Maasluis named Pons came to Rotterdam once a week to pick up letters for England.
He did bring them to English ships.
Vice versa the letters from England to Rotterdam from newspaper deliverers van der Linde and de Ruyter.
In Maassluis Hudig,Blokhuyzen and van der Eb built a ship specially designed for smuggling letters and passengers to England
They did not succeed .
A lot of Rotterdam traders were trading since 1635.The Fellowship of Merchant Adventurers was active.
The pilot for Maasluis named Pons came to Rotterdam once a week to pick up letters for England.
He did bring them to English ships.
Vice versa the letters from England to Rotterdam from newspaper deliverers van der Linde and de Ruyter.
In Maassluis Hudig,Blokhuyzen and van der Eb built a ship specially designed for smuggling letters and passengers to England
100 francs reward
Traveling between England was prohibited by police chief de Marivault .
Each policeofficer , soldier or custom officer who stopped a passenger from going to England received a reward of 100 francs.
This amount was paid from the money in possesion of the passengers.
Naval and custom officers did not always obey.Sometimes the ships sailed without any problems.
Passengers caught smuggling were locked up in the `dolhuis` a kind of workhouse as well as an asylum.
The Englishman Toffield was locked up from may 1811 untill 1812 .
To prevent smuggling the inns are under very strict surveeillance.
All `holders of public places of gathering `as the Inns coffeeshops , pubs and taverns are required to register.
Later is decided who will be an innkeeper.
Their name and occupation has to be on a sign in Dutch and French ouside above the door
Each policeofficer , soldier or custom officer who stopped a passenger from going to England received a reward of 100 francs.
This amount was paid from the money in possesion of the passengers.
Naval and custom officers did not always obey.Sometimes the ships sailed without any problems.
Passengers caught smuggling were locked up in the `dolhuis` a kind of workhouse as well as an asylum.
The Englishman Toffield was locked up from may 1811 untill 1812 .
To prevent smuggling the inns are under very strict surveeillance.
All `holders of public places of gathering `as the Inns coffeeshops , pubs and taverns are required to register.
Later is decided who will be an innkeeper.
Their name and occupation has to be on a sign in Dutch and French ouside above the door
Innkeeper locked up.
The innkeepers had to register all travelers .This list had to be delivered to head of police .
Within 24 hours on arriving the travellers should have their passports verified.
on th 23 th of January 1811 the Inn named `De stad Brussel `on the delfsevaart was closed on behalf of de Marivault.because the innkeeper Farineaux did not check out the passports properly.
On May 4 1811 the innkeeper of `the Nijmeegse ferryboathouse ´on the Highstreet W vand der Vloet was locked up in the asylum for not living up to the rules .
On June 11 van der Vloed commits suicide.
We heard of van der Vloed before in the story of Jan Vlieland .
remember the escape from the workhouse from Jan Vlieland ? Jan van der Voodt was his partner in crime.
Here once more in Dutch .
6 October 1812 werd ook Jan Baptista van der Voodt te
Brussel gevangen genomen en naar Rotterdam onder eskorte
der gendarmerie opgezonden. Hij werd in het Dolhuis opgesloten onder den naam Jan van der Voet. Ook Van derVoodt weigerde eerst iets te zeggen, zoodat De Maiivault
genoodzaakt was, hem eenige dagen met rust te laten tot hij
van den prefect Van de Dyle te Brussel alle inlichtingen, die
deze over Van der Voodt had verzameld, gekregen had. Bij
de nu volgende verhooren kon Van der Voodt niet meer
blijven ontkennen en deelde hij bijzonderheden mede over
een poging tot ontvluchting van twee Engelschen uit het
gevangendepót te Verdun, die onder de namen Clermont en
Clemenson aangeduid werden, verder over zijn betrekkingen
tot een Duitscher Willisen of Willison, die als Engelsen
spion op het vasteland rondreisde met een valsch paspoort.
In den nacht van 29 op 30 November slaagden Pieter
Messu, Jan Baptista van der Voodt en Jan Vlieland, gezegd
Hollander, er in, uit het Dolhuis te ontsnappen. Zij hadden
ijzeren scharnieren van hun bedden in het turfvuur, dat in
hun cachotten brandde, warm gemaakt en daarmede een
plank van hun cachot doorgebrand. Na de opening vergroot
te hebben, kwamen zij op den zolder en lieten zich met behulp van hun aaneengebonden dekens in een steegje afzakken, dat naast het Dolhuis op de Hoogstraat uitkwam. De
Marivault was woedend over deze ontsnapping. Nu was al
zijn moeite om die personen aan te houden geheel vergeefsch
geweest. Wel nam hij dadelijk alle maatregelen, om dit drietal weer machtig te worden, maar, zooals hij schreef: „ces trois hommes connaissent si bien les localités et ils sont si
adroits, que je crains qu'ils ne parviennent a se soustraire a
tous les recherches". Hij kwam er later nog wel achter, dat
zij over het veer van Godschalksoord naar Beyerland gegaan
waren, maar verder kon hij geen spoor meer ontdekken en
dus vermoedde hij, dat zij naar Engeland ontkomen waren•
In the yearbook of Rotterdam we find everything we always wanted to know about Jan Vlieland about the countess Minckwitz about Marivault but it is to much to translate.
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