He committed suicide in Kansas U.S.A.
"Among the papers of the death man were found a life policy for the Prudencial Life Insurance company for $81 and a policy for $ 1000 with the Mutual Benefit Association
in favor of Miss Austine Buerklin of Quincy lll,his fiance."
The rest of the story comes from the newspaper
Name: Austina Burkland
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, United States
District: ED 21
Gender: Female
Age: 68
Marital Status: Widowed
Race: White
Race (Original): White
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1862
Birthplace: Sweden
Immigration Year: 1890
Father's Birthplace: Sweden
Mother's Birthplace: Sweden
Sheet Letter: B
Sheet Number: 6
Sheet Number and Letter: 6B
Household ID: 159
Line Number: 63
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: T626
Affiliate Film Number: 722
GS Film Number: 2340457
Digital Folder Number: 004950874
Image Number: 00761
´We see that she is a widower and came from Sweden.She came in 1890 to Kansas .
William Vlieland´s suicide.
The young Englishmans life could not be saved.
deserted by relatives.
Insurance for his fiance.
William Henry Vlieland ,the young Englishman , who was brought into Central police station at 1.30 o´clock yesterday morning in an unconscious condition,
the result of trying to commit suicide by poisoning himself with morphine died at 07,20 o´clock yesterday morning.
Police surgeon Landon worked on Vlieland for hours, but was unable to restore him to consiousness.
He had been employed at the Golden Galena restaurant as a waiter but was discharged and later was employed taking orders for H.D.Reed a photographer.
Vlieland has led a life of wild dissipation since he left his home in Harrow -in-Furness England in 1888.
He would not work ,but kept continually writing home to his parents in England for money.
A cousin who was here some months ago seeing what kind of life Vlieland was leading
wrote to his friends that he was a worthless fellow which had the effect of cutting him off from further supplies.
Three months ago he went to British Vice Consul Burrough and asked him to write to his parents for money to pay for his passage back to England.
Mr.Burroughs wrote to Vlieland´s sister Mrs Florence Anderson of Twickenham London.
In course of time an answer came that the relatives would nothing more have to do to him on account of his wild habits.
They are said to be well off.
Among the papers of the death man were found a life policy for the Prudencial Life Insurance company for $81 and a policy for $ 1000 with the Mutual Benefit Association
in favor of Miss Austine Buerklin of Quincy lll,his fiance.
on a scrap of paper Vlieland had written the name and adress of Miss Buerklin and Mr.Burroughs wrote to the young women yesterday telling her that her that he held a lifepolicy in het favor.
He had also written to the deceased brother -in -law Dr.Hamilton Anderson,giving a cable code with instructions to cable as to the disposition of the body of Vlieland.
The body lies at the undertaking rooms of Leo.J.Steward
Kansas City daily journal., March 24, 1896

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