Thursday 8 November 2018

Jan Kemp bathing machine under the hammer

In general there is a lot written about bathing machines .
But about manufactering and the making of the cart and the special hood is not much to be found in archives or newspapers or museums.
Although there must have been thousands of them and every seaside resort has postcards to show them.

It must have been on his trips to London  that our Jan Kemp bought a bathing machine and shipped it back to Holland 

From the Norfolk chronicle and Norwich Gazette of 3 August 1816 we learn (thanks to Peter for this information.)that these  bathing machines were sold in Great Yarmouth. It could well be the bathing machine Jan Kemp picked up at this auction.

He did very well with his bathing machines as in 1823 he sold his three ships in auction.

And he was appointed as the official beachcomber.

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