Wednesday 15 September 2010

Agatha Christie

Today is 120th birthday of Agatha Christie.
One of worlds most famous British crime writers.
Time for us to remember our very own crime writer.
The Asbestos Mask - Jerome Nicholas
This book was once owned by Kathleen Davies (August 1948). Inside there is a letter to Miss Davies from the author, who signs himself as Archie Wheeland. The endorsement in the book explains that Jerome Nicholas is 'his alter ego'.

Wednesday, 16 May 2007
The Asbestos Mask - Jerome Nicholas
The letter itself is interesting:

"Dear Miss Davies Thank you very much for your efforts over the Birmingham Mail. I am very glad to have the extra copies - one I shall now be able to send to my beloved mother in law, who is the Anne of the dedication (To Another Anne whose spirits as unquenchable as my love for her) and will be thrilled to bits!
I return your copy of the book endorsed on the title page.
Yours sincerely
Archie Wheeland"

In the image above you can see a newspaper clipping. It's from the Birmingham Mail July 28th 1948 and features a picture of Jerome Nicholas.

Not only was he the writer of The asbestos mask but also of Deirdre, Salute to tomorrow, Whispering Steel, The widow's peak.

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