`I have been trying to do this (with the aid also of Gilly) with our 'William Heath's'. There are too many of them for my poor brain As far as I can make out: `
William Heath of Blofield died July 1747 (buried at Hemblington - and noted as such in the parish register (which as you probably all well know, has only a few such records for the periodadded to the front of the parish register as records of past events since no parish register was kept from 1727 to 1777) Memorial Inscription: William Heath the son of Edward Heath who departed this life July 14th 1747 aged 31 years. (birth date: 18 Jan 1716 Baptism 19 Jan 1716 married to Mary and his children included William baptised 22nd October 1745)
William Heath died May 3rd 1765 age 70 (Memorial Inscription Hemblington) ? baptism poss * August 1697 - parents Edward and Thomasin
William Heath the Younger died August 1777 (shown as 'the younger by his attorneys/advert). (?William the son of William Heath & Sarah his wife was baptised 9th December 1735 - Blofield Parish Church register Memorial Inscription at Hemblington to William Heath gent. who died August 5th 1777 "aged 44".)
William Heath Senior died July 1781 (no day shown in Hemblington parish register but fortunately shown as Snr!) ? baptism poss 24 Oct 1700 ??...
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 05 October 1776 On Thursday fe'nnight was married at Hemlington, Mr. Baker Rackham, an eminent farmer at Gooton Hall, to Mifs Mary Heath, only daughter of William Heath, Efq. an agreeable young lady with a handfome fortune.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 9 and Saturday 16 August 1777 SUCH Perfons as have any Demands upon the Eftate and Effects of Mr. WILLIAM HEATH the Younger, late of Hemblington Norfolk, deceafed, are, to fend an Account thereof to Mr. Sibel, at South Walfham; or Meffrs. Fofter and Cooper, Attorneys, in Norwich, that the fame may be difcharged. And all Perfons indebted are defired to pay their Debts to the faid Mr. Sibel, or Meffrs. Fofter and Cooper, to prevent further Trouble.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 01 May 1784 On Wednefday laft was married at Lutham, Mr.' William Heath, of Hemblington, in this county, to Mifs Ann Johnfon, daughter Mr. John Johnfon of Ludham a young lady whofe many amiable qualifications cannot fail making, happiness the certain attendant of the connubial ftate.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 19 June 1784 BLOFIELD and SOUTH WALSHAM HUNDREDS – The next Meeting of the Subscribers ....held in Blofield Subscribers: ... Hemblington: Mr. William Heath.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 02 September 1786 MARRlED.—Norwich Tuefday laft, at St. Giles's church, Mr. Robert Clayton, of Yarmouth, to Mifs Heath.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 14 February 1795 NORFOLK. AT a Meeting of the Committee for the INTERNAL DEFENCE and SECURITY of the County, held the Shire-Houfe, Norwich, Feb. 7, 1795 ... Refolved—that Mr. William Heath be recommended to the Lord Lieutenant, as Lieutenant,
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 30 April 1803 Monday last an inquisition was taken by William Colls, Gent, Blofield, on the body of Edward Heath, aged 60, who a fit of lunacy hanged himself.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 06 October 1804 Commiffions figned by the Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk ... Pioneers attached the 3d Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. ..William Heath Gent to be Second Lieutenant
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 28 May 1808 Blofield and Walsham Association. The annual Meeting of the Subscribers ....held at the Queens Head Acle Subscribers: ... Hemblington: Mr. William Heath.
Bury and Norwich Post - Wednesday 14 June 1809 On Saturday s’ennight died in the 24th year of his age William Heath jun of Hemblington
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 21 April 1810 Tuesday last in the 75th year of her age respected by all who knew her, Mrs. Heath, relic of the late William Heath, Esq. of Hemblington, in-this county.
John Allcot = Sarah Heath marriage:08 Aug 1803 Hemblington, Norfolk, England indexing project (batch) number:I07349-1 source film number: 1526737 – AND: Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 02 January 1819: Tuesday sennight, Mrs. Allcott, Wife of J Allcott, Esq. of Portsmouth, A daughter of the late Wm. Heath, Esq. of Hemblington.
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 28 May 1814 BYC - Gentlemen of the BLOFELD TROOP are requested to assemble at Blofield Globe, on Saturday June 4th at three o'clock - WILLIAM HEATH, Captain - Hemblington May ??th 1814
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 06 April 1816 - SOLD by AUCTION Thursday, April 18th, 1816, HE HOUSEHOLD "FURNITURE, Brewing Utensils, &c. of Mr. WILLIAM HEATH, of Hemblngton, near Blofield, Norfolk; consisting of Brussels carpets, six yards by five, mahogany chairs, hair seats and brass uaiied, jamb glass gilt frame, inches by 21, mahogany card and dining tables, tour-post bedsteads with chintz furniture, tent bedstead, bordered feather-beds and bedding, mahogany chest with drawers, dinner service, blue and white foreign china, in lots, useful had ornamental glass, brewing copper with cock to brew five coombs, lead wort pump, two coolers, beer vessels and uteusils, mangle, six servants' bedsteads and featherbeds, gig lined, bay horse, used harness, large copper boilers, quantity of pewter kitchen requisites, with variety of useful articles, which will be expressed in catalogues to be had on Tuesday before the sale, at the lobe, Blofield; Queen's Head, Acle and of the Auctioneer, St, Giles's, Norwich.. sale wilt commence, in consequence of the lots, at eleven o'clock precisely.
Bury and Norwich Post - Wednesday 22 October 1823 Sunday sennight, at her niece's, St. Peter Permountergate, Mrs. Martha Heath, aged 79, formerly of Hemblington, in this county.
Wednesday, August 24, 1825 The Bury and Norwich Post - Thursday last aged 63 Mr William Heath of Hemblington in this County
Norfolk Chronicle - Saturday 10 May 1851 Thursday last, at his residence, Lambeth, Surrey Thomas Leath Clayton, Esq.
Norfolk News - Saturday 13 November 1852 HEATH —On Sunday last, at .Great Yarmouth, aged 58 years, Lieut. Philip Heath, R.A., third son of the late
Saturday 21 November 1863 Norfolk Chronicle - On Tuesday last, in Surrey-street, aged 69, Susan, third daughter of the late Capt. W. Heath, of Hemlington, and sister to Mrs. Vlieland, of this city.

William Heath freemason
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