and a British subject departed this life on board the ship Windsor on her
passage from Calcutta to England on the fifth day Of August
Name: Caroline ANDERSON
Sex: F
Birth: 11 MAR 1808 1
Death: 5 AUG 1845 in on board ship 'Windsor'
Probate: 4 NOV 1845 Supreme Court, Ft. William, Calcutta, West Bengal, India 2
Will: 26 MAR 1845 Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Baptism: 10 APR 1808 3
BENGAL WILLS 1845 LAG/34/29/72 p4. Pages 59-66
Supreme Court Of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal Ecclesiastical
side, In the goods Of Caroline Swinhoe deceased, petition filed and
probate granted to Thomas Bruce Swinhoe and Frederick Thomas Biddle the
executors this 4th day Of November 1845.
In the Supreme Court Of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal
Ecclesiastical side, In the goods Of Caroline Swinhoe deceased To the
Honourable Sir Laurence Peel knight chief Justice and his companions
justices Of the said court.
The humble petition Of Thomas Bruce Swinhoe and Frederick Thomas Biddle
executors Of the said deceased.
That Caroline Swinhoe late Of Calcutta widow Of Robert Swinhoe deceased
and a British subject departed this life on board the ship Windsor on her
passage from Calcutta to England on the fifth day Of August last having
first duly made and published her last will and testament in writing
where Of she appointed your petitioners executors there Of. That the said
Caroline Swinhoe left property and effects within the jurisdiction Of
this Honourable Court to be administered to.
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray your lordships for an order that
they may respectively be sworn in executors Of the said last will and
testament Of the said Caroline Swinhoe deceased and that may be granted
to them respespectively and your petitioners shall ever pray
Be it so - H. W. Seton - 4th November 1845, - T. B. Swinhoe -
petitioners attorney
Thomas Bruce Swinhoe Of Esplanade row in the town Of Calcutta gentleman
one Of the attorney's Of this honourable court, Frederick Thomas Biddle
Of the same place gentleman and John Hall Of Jaun bazar lane in the town
Of Calcutta jointly and severally make oath and say and first these
deponents Thomas Bruce Swinhoe and Frederick Thomas Biddle for themselves
say that the said Caroline Swinhoe late Of Calcutta widow Of Robert
Swinhoe also late Of Calcutta deceased and a British subject departed
this life on board the ship Windsor on her passage from Calcutta to
England on the fifth day Of August last having first made and published
her last will and testament
Writing which is hereunto annexed and marked with the letter A. and
thereof appointed these deponents the (exec) Of same and these deponents
further say that the said Caroline Swinhoe left property and effects
within the Jurisdiction Of this Honourable Court to be administered unto
this deponent the said John Hall for himself saith that the paper writing
hereunto annexed and marked with the letter A. is the last will and
testament Of the said Caroline Swinhoe and was on the twenty sixth day Of
March last signed by the said Caroline Swinhoe the testatrix in the
presence Of this deponent and Of Robert Alain Mc moyghten and that her
signature hereunto as subscribed by her the said testatrix in the
presence Of this deponent and the said Robert Alain Mc Maghten who were
present at the same time and subscribed their names as witnesses to the
said will in the presence Of each other and Of the said testatrix and at
her request
- T. B. Swinhoe - Fred T. Biddle - John Hall -
The above named deponents Thomas Bruce Swinhoe, Frederick Thomas Biddle
and John Hall were respectively sworn this 31st day Of October 1845,
before me H. W. Seton
Label A. referred to in the annexed affidavit Of Thomas Bruce Swinhoe,
Frederick Thomas Biddle and John Hall are respectively sworn this 31st
day Of October 1845 before me. H. W. S.
In the name Of god amen, I Caroline Swinhoe at present Of garden reach
near the town Of Calcutta widow Of Robert Swinhoe late Of Calcutta
solicitor deceased do make this my last will and testament in the manner
following that is to say, In the first place I direct that all my just
debts funeral and testamentary expenses as also the costs and charges Of
obtaining probate Of this my will be fully paid and discharged by my
executors hereafter named. I give and bequeath to my daughters to and for
their sole and separate use, absolutely all my jewels which I may die
possessed Of to be equally divided between them and subject as aforesaid
as to and concerning all and singular my real estate and the rest residue
and remainder Of my personal estate property goods chattels and effects
whatsoever and wheresoever situated and being Of either in possession
reversion or expectancy which I have power to dispose Of I give and
bequeath to my daughters to and for their sole and separate use,
absolutely all my jewels which I may die possessed Of to be equally
divided between them and subject as aforesaid as to and concerning all
and singular my real estate and the rest residue and remainder Of my
personal estate property goods chattels and effects whatsoever and where
so ever situated and being Of either in possession reversion or
expectancy which I have power to dispose Of And upon this further trust
that they the said trustees or other the trustee or trustee for the time
being do and shall stand possessed Of or interested in the said trust
moneys and premises and the stocks fund and securities wherein the same
shall be then invested in trust Of all and every my child or children who
shall be living at the time Of my death to be equally divided between and
amongst then upon the youngest Of my said children attaining the age Of
twenty one years But I will and declare that the shares Of my said
children Of and in the said trust moneys and premises shall be considered
as vested interests in them respectively upon their respectively
attaining the age Of twenty one years with the usual benefit Of account
and survivorship between them provided always / and it is my further will
that in the meantime and until the youngest Of said children who shall be
living at the time Of my death shall attain the age Of twenty one years
they my said trustees and the survivor Of them and the executors and
administrators Of such survivor their and his assigns do and shall pay
and apply the interests dividends and annual proceeds Of the said Of the
said real estate in the mean time until the same shall be sold in or
towards the maintenance and education Of my said children with full power
to my said trustees to pay out Of the said principal trust funds and on
account Of their respective shares to any Of my daughters wishing to come
to India the sum Of pounds sterling two hundred for her passage and out
fit and also to pay to each Of my sons when they get employment's either
as cadets or in any other way require a small sum after their education
is finished or nearly so to set them up in life not exceeding the sum Of
two hundred pounds sterling or to pay fees any other business or
possession which they may embark / And I further will and desire that
after such payment as aforesaid the said trustees or trustee for the time
being shall hold and stand possessed Of the rest and residue and
remainder Of the said trust moneys and premises and pay and apply the
interest dividends and annual produce thereof in or towards the
maintenance and education Of my children who shall still be under
education until my youngest child shall attain the said age Of twenty one
years when the said trust funds and securities to be divided between all
my children as above directed share and share alike only deducting the
said pounds sterling two hundred which had previously been advanced out
Of the share Of them to whom the advance had been made out Of the said
trust moneys and premises provided always / And it is my further will and
desire that in case the said Thomas Bruce Swinhoe and Frederick Thomas
Biddle or either Of them succeeding or new trustees or trustee Of this my
will to be nominated or appointed as hereinafter is mentioned shall
depart this life or decline or refuse or become incapable to act in or be
desirous for any reason Of being discharged from the trusts Of this my
will before the same shall be fully performed or determined it shall be
lawful for the surviving or continuing or only acting trustee for the
time being Of this my will or the executors or administrators Of such
surviving trustee Of their Of his own authority at any time or times and
from time to time and as often as there shall be reason to nominate
substitute and appoint any other fit and proper person or persons to be a
trustee or trustees in the place Of stead Of the trustees or trustee so
dying or declining or refusing or becoming incapable to act in or being
desirous Of being discharged from the trust aforesaid and that every such
new trustee or trustees shall and may act in the then existing trusts Of
this my will as fully and affectually and with the same powers
authorities and indemnification in all respect as if he or they had been
originally appointed / and I do hereby nominate and appoint the said
Thomas Bruce Swinhoe and Frederick Thomas Biddle the executor Of this my
last will and testament / and i appoint Captain and Mrs John Biddle now
residing at Chelsea near London in England guardians Of such Of my
children as shall be under the age Of twenty one years at the time Of my
decease / I hereby revoke any former wills by me at any time heretofore
made / I do declare this to be my last and only will and testament in
witness whereof the said Caroline Swinhoe have hereunto set my hand this
26th day Of March in the year Of our lord one thousand eight hundred and
forty five - C. Swinhoe -
Signed and declared by the testator Caroline Swinhoe as and for her last
will and testament in the presence Of us present at the same time who at
her request in her presence and in the presence Of each other have
hereunto subscribed out names
- R. A. Mc maghten - John Hall -
1. I give and bequeath to my daughters to and for their sole and separate
use, absolutely all my jewels which I may die possessed Of to be equally
divided between them and subject as aforesaid as to and concerning all
and singular my real estate and the rest residue and remainder Of my
personal estate property goods chattels and effects whatsoever and where
so ever situated and being Of either in possession reversion or
expectancy which I have power to dispose Of
2.And upon this further trust that they the said trustees or other the
trustee or trustee for the time being do and shall stand possessed Of or
interested in the said trust moneys and premises and the stocks fund and
securities wherein the same shall be then invested in trust Of all and
every my child or children who shall be living at the time Of my death to
be equally divided between and amongst then upon the youngest Of my said
children attaining the age Of twenty one years. But I will and declare
that the shares Of my said children Of and in the said trust moneys and
premises shall be considered as vested interests in them respectively
upon their respectively attaining the age Of twenty one years with the
usual benefit Of account and survivorship between them provided always
3.And it is my further will that in the meantime and until the youngest
Of said children who shall be living at the time Of my death shall attain
the age Of twenty one years they my said trustees and the survivor Of
them and the executors and administrators Of such survivor their and his
assigns do and shall pay and apply the interests dividends and annual
proceeds Of the said Of the said real estate in the mean time until the
same shall be sold in or towards the maintenance and education Of my said
children with full power to my said trustees to pay out Of the said
principal trust funds and on account Of their respective shares to any Of
my daughters wishing to come to India the sum Of pounds sterling two
hundred for her passage and out fit and also to pay to each Of my sons
when they get employment's either as cadets or in any other way require a
small sum after their education is finished or nearly so to set them up
in life not exceeding the sum Of two hundred pounds sterling or to pay
fees any other business or possession which they may embark
4.And I further will and desire that after such payment as aforesaid the
said trustees or trustee for the time being shall hold and stand
possessed Of the rest and residue and remainder Of the said trust moneys
and premises and pay and apply the interest dividends and annual produce
thereof in or towards the maintenance and education Of my children who
shall still be under education until my youngest child shall attain the
said age Of twenty one years when the said trust funds and securities to
be divided between all my children as above directed share and share
alike only deducting the said pounds sterling two hundred which had
previously been advanced out Of the share Of them to whom the advance had
been made out Of the said trust moneys and premises provided always
5.And it is my further will and desire that in case the said Thomas Bruce
Swinhoe and Frederick Thomas Biddle or either Of them succeeding or new
trustees or trustee Of this my will to be nominated or appointed as
hereinafter is mentioned shall depart this life or decline or refuse or
become incapable to act in or be desirous for any reason Of being
discharged from the trusts Of this my will before the same shall be fully
performed or determined it shall be lawful for the surviving or
continuing or only acting trustee for the time being Of this my will or
the executors or administrators Of such surviving trustee Of their Of his
own authority at any time or times and from time to time and as often as
there shall be reason to nominate substitute and appoint any other fit
and proper person or persons to be a trustee or trustees in the place Of
stead Of the trustees or trustee so dying or declining or refusing or
becoming incapable to act in or being desirous Of being discharged from
the trust aforesaid and that every such new trustee or trustees shall and
may act in the then existing trusts Of this my will as fully and
effectual and with the same powers authorities and indemnification in
all respect as if he or they had been originally appointed
6.And I do hereby nominate and appoint the said Thomas Bruce Swinhoe and
Frederick Thomas Biddle the executor Of this my last will and testament
7.And I appoint Captain and Mrs John Biddle now residing at Chelsea near
London in England guardians Of such Of my children as shall be under the
age Of twenty-one years at the time Of my decease
at sea Calcutta to England
Inventory C. S; The Englishman news paper 'cash paid the printer Of the
Englishman for advertisment Of the goods Of Mrs C. Swinhoe, deceased as
per bill. 16r'
'paid out Of pocket officers charges in the goods Of C. Swinhoe deceased
as follows, Ecclesiastical registrar, 33r 5a, Judges clerk, 7r 2a, Sealer
2r. total 47 Rupee's, 7 Anna's'
'Anderson, Tho Ajax, Capt 60th Foot died Feb 1824, widow (2nd wife) has
pension, Julia a Dau by 1st wife and not living mother in law, £12 each,
= £60 (Pr) ( ) 1823
(mentions Julia, Caroline, Victoria Maria, W Hulse and Louisa Jane)
Inventory C. S. 'paid her by cheque no 159, 100r'
Inventory C. S. 'Paid for a stamp paper for power Of attorney from her to
Mr T. B. Swinhoe, 4r'
Inventory C. S. 'Recieved from her to pay several bills being the
remainder Of the amount Of life insurance, 1470r'
Inventory C. S. 'paid her in cash, 122r'
Inventory C. S. 'paid her in cash, 100r', 'paid boat hire for her going
on board ship (windsor) 1r', paid coolie and boat hire to take a box on
board ship, 1a' ' paid coolie hire for bringing a box, 6a 3p'
Inventory C. S. 'cash paid Mes Chapman Griffiths Paul & Co the amount Of
her passage money for ship 'Windsor' to England as per receipt, 2000r'
Father: Maj. Thomas Ajax ANDERSON b: 1783
Mother: SARAH b: 1794 in Gibraltar
Marriage 1 Robert SWINHOE b: 18 FEB 1797 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Married: 18 FEB 1828 in St Johns Cathedral, Calcutta, West Bengal, India
From the Parish Register Transcription :-
"1828 / Feby / 18 / Robert Swinhoe attorney at law Calcutta Bachelor of age
Caroline Anderson Calcutta Spinster under age / C. Higgins Calcutta / Saml Swinhoe, J. H. Swinhoe, N L Stanton / Licence / Cathedral / W Eales, ? Pres. Chaplain"
From the Asiatic Journal :-
"At Calcutta, Robert Swinhoe, Esq., to Caroline, third daughter of the late Maj. Anderson, H.M.'s 19th Foot."
From the Oriental Observer :-
"At Calcutta, on the 18th February, at the Cathedral, by the Rev. W. Eales, Robert Swinhoe, Esq., to Caroline, third Daughter of the late Major Anderson, H. M. 19th Foot."
'Robert Swinhoe attorney at law, Calcutta, bachelor / Of age / & /
Caroline Anderson, Calcutta, spinster / under age / by licence / St Johns
Cathedral / by Wm Eales, sen Pres chaplain'Children
Jane SWINHOE b: 10 JAN 1829 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Robert SWINHOE b: 16 MAY 1830 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Caroline Sarah SWINHOE b: 18 NOV 1831 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Elizabeth Maria SWINHOE b: 10 MAY 1835 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Robert SWINHOE b: 1 SEP 1836 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Charles SWINHOE b: 27 AUG 1838 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Alfred SWINHOE b: 20 JUN 1840 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
John SWINHOE b: 20 JUN 1842 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Caroline SWINHOE b: 15 DEC 1843 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
William SWINHOE b: 10 JUN 1833 in Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Two ‘in-laws’ of Eliza Ann White/Barbor/Biddle, whose children stayed with her and Adolphus whilst they were abroad, were William Pedder and Robert Swinhoe (FRS FRZS FRGS).
The 1871 census shows that Eliza is looking after nephews Robert Swinhoe age 14 and Arthur Lionel Pedder aged three. Their fathers are abroad. Both Pedder and Swinhoe were British Government Consuls and famous naturalists. Much of their correspondence with Charles Darwin is preserved in his papers.
Much of it is about discovering new species of birds and (possibly closer to Swinhoe's heart), the Penny Illustrated Paper for November 14, 1868 contains an article and picture of Swinhoe's pheasant in the gardens of the Zoological Society.
In 1869 he named Aethopyga christinae (Mrs Swinhoe's Sunbird - Nectariniidae); dedicated to wife “Christina Stronach (Swinhoe)” daughter of an Edinburgh London Missionary Society couple whose (near 40 year) mission in Amoy is described as “the most successful in China”.
One of the later letters to Darwin from Robert Swinhoe (8 Mar 1866) tells Charles that he is about to replace his brother in law, Pedder, as Consul in Amoy China. You will also find correspondence to Darwin agreeing to send him some further honeycomb (that he “so enjoyed”) with his dispatches back to London.
Swinhoe, also a Fellow of the Royal Society, had been a member of the British Association since 1863 and presented a paper at the 1865 meeting. Indeed, Charles Darwin proposed him as a member of the Royal Society in 1874 and one of the Indeed, Charles Darwin proposed Swinhoe as a member of the Royal Society in 1874 and one of the letters from Darwin is to the Secretary of the Royal Society asking for another form since the original with all the signatures has got lost in the post (and Darwin proposes / needs to start the collection again). It seems that little changes!
Robert Swinhoe’s sister, Maria, married Major General Basden - son of Admiral Basden. His Solicitor brother William married Eliza Dawes and the resulting offspring occupied many important posts in Calcutta including Dawes Swinhoe; ‘Chief Presidency Magistrate’. Another brother of Richard, an attorney in Calcutta, married another attorney and, of course, a sister married another British Consul - William PedderSources:
RayTitle: Public Record Office miscellaneous
Note: ABBR PRO Misc
Media: Book
Page: Widows pensions and bounty / abstracts Of applications 1823 - 1825 /
Title: Bengal Wills 1780 - 1908, Series: OIOC, File Name: LAG/34/29
Publication: The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2Db
Note: ABBR Bengal wills 1780 - 1908
Page: Probate 4 November 1845. Calcutta. Caroline Swinhoe. LAG/34/29/72. pages
59 - 66. part 4
Title: Public Record Office miscellaneous
Note: ABBR PRO Misc
Media: Book
Page: Widows pensions and bounty / register Of warrants 1818 - 1827 / widows,
compassionate and bounty warrants, WO/25/3070

Note: ABBR PRO Misc
Media: Book
Page: Widows pensions and bounty / abstracts Of applications 1823 - 1825 /
Title: Bengal Wills 1780 - 1908, Series: OIOC, File Name: LAG/34/29
Publication: The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2Db
Note: ABBR Bengal wills 1780 - 1908
Page: Probate 4 November 1845. Calcutta. Caroline Swinhoe. LAG/34/29/72. pages
59 - 66. part 4
Title: Public Record Office miscellaneous
Note: ABBR PRO Misc
Media: Book
Page: Widows pensions and bounty / register Of warrants 1818 - 1827 / widows,
compassionate and bounty warrants, WO/25/3070
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