His witnesses are Neeltje Paulus Zonneveld married to Jan Jeroense Langeveld, his maternal grandmother on mothers side and Willem Jansz (Langeveld) brother of his mother.
About his death or death date is nothing much to tell.
After 1799 nothing was heard from him ever again.
Before that we see him in the newspaper on a regulare base ,sailing to , arriving from , waiting for cargo in...
In 1798 it all went terribly wrong.
During the political wrangling of those days ,you could call it war if you like ,the Brits capture our good seaman on his trip from London to Antwerp.
His very Dutch bomship Elisabeth built in Noordwijk,sailed to avoid all clashes ,under Prussian (neutral) flag.
Smart but not smart enough
He , his ship,and his cargo are captured and taken to Ostend .
And there the story ends.

In Ostend the captured Prussian ship Elisabeth Master C.Vlieland from London to Antwerp .Te Ostende is opgebragt het Pruissisch Schip de Elisabeth Capt. C. Vlieland van Londen naar Antwerpen
this anouncement was made in " nieuwe Nederlandsche courant of 18 July 1798.
And other newspapers.

About the auction of the captured ship we find this anouncement.
The cargo contains of different kinds of pepper, different kinds of coffee, Cane sugar from Havana and other sugar, handkerchiefs .
When his daughter Grietje Vlieland wants to marry in 1819 she has to provide a certificate that her father approves the wedding,but is not able to give this declaration in person.
She goes to the judge with several witnesses , who claim to have known her father very well ,but after 1799 never heard of him.

the declaration.
So after 300 hundred years we still do not know what happened to Cornelis .Did he die ?
Was he imprisoned.?
Was he the prisoner of war we found in 1797 t in Chatham?

and was Ary Cornelis Vlieland who died in the hospital of Chatham in 1798 his son ?

We have a lot to find out ,
If you find anything please let us know.

Rotterdamsche Courant 17-04-1794
In Topsham waiting for cargo de Elizabeth master Cornelis Vlieland
10-05-1794 arrival from Topsham Cornelis Vlieland
more on the Elizabeth
The brothers Arie, Cornelis, Willem and Hendrik and Jeroen sometimes sailed each others ship or destination.
We find in Topsham sailed the Elisabeth by Cornelis.
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