07/11/1830 Baptism record at St Alphege shows parents Samuel (Carpenter) and Elizabeth Mary of Blackfriars
1841 census Black Friars, St Alphage, Canterbury - age 11 with parents
Chorister at Canterbury Cathedral and studied organ violin and other subjects under Dr Longhurst and later in Ireland.
Tuesday 16 May 1854 Kentish Gazette - "Here's to the flag of England; A naval song bearing this title has just been published, the production of our townsman Mr. Adolphus C. White.
It evidently bears the mark of experienced musician ; the music is spirit-stirring, and appropriate to the words; and now that public attention so directed to the exploits of our Navy, we have no doubt that the song will become popular"a Professor of Music living in Park Road Hampstead. He was born in Canterbury and when he witnesses Bertha's marriage he is then 57.
Surname: WhiteFirstname: Adolphus CharlesBorn: 10 October 1830Died: [4] {Sept 1902}Profession: Instrument: Double Bass;Piano Forte;OrganCareer: 'Performs on the Double Bass, Piano forte & organ - is engaged at Her Majesties Theatre, The New Philharmonic, Orchestral Union, and M Julliens Concerts'Admitted: 4 January 1857 Membership No: A506
He is a widower, his wife Eliza, an artist painter, born in Chelsea, is deceased.
Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier - Thursday 24 March 1864
He is also Catherine’s spouse’s uncle, father Samuel’s younger brother. Adolphus (pictured) was born in 1830 and baptised in Canterbury on 7th November of that year.
The Gentleman’s Magazinereports his wedding on 17th March 1864 to Eliza Annie the 24 year old widow of Lieutenant Douglas Barbor of the 20th Native Infantry, Bengal Army. witnesses include Samuel White, Elizabeth Mary Sadlier and Susannah Harrison White (sisters) Thomas James Biddle and Sarah Biddle.
She is the daughter of Sarah Biddle, the widow of Captain John Biddle and her previous marriage in India in 1857 (to a son of a much decorated Major) had lasted only two months before her husband had been killed during the Indian Mutiny at Lucknow. (A book ‘Fatehgarh and the Mutiny’ says that he “drove his men hard”).
Also living with Sarah at 18, Avenue Terrace, Chelsea at the time of the 1861 census is her sister/sister-in-law, widow of a Major.
The 1871 census shows that she is also looking after a grandson, Robert Swinhoe age 14. Daughter Caroline from her first Marriage had died and her Will"appoint(s) Captain and Mrs John Biddle now residing at Chelsea near London in England guardians of such of my children as shall be under the age of twenty one years at the time of my decease". Robert goes to London University and becomes HM Consul to China.
15th March 1870 (probate) Sarah Biddle will "I appoint my son William Henry Hulse Anderson and my son in law Adolphus Charles White executors Of this my will"
Though they have no children, that 1871 census shows the house full of children, including a great niece and nephew and a nephew Arthur Lionel Pedder aged three from another of Eliza’s relatives.
Arthur, a beneficiary in Adolphus’s will, becomes a Fellow & Tutor of Magdelen College Oxford and a Church of England Clergyman.
At least one of the Pedder children had been born in China and few show up in any UK census. Pedder was a famous name in China; not least Robert Swinhoe’s brother in law (sister Caroline’s husband) WH Pedder.
Sent to China as a ‘second interpreter’ at 18, he progressed to become the British Consul at Amoy.
By 1897 Hong Kong has a Pedders Wharf and Hill and Pedder Street.
There is a strong closeness of a few families in early 19th century Bengal, India (and Colombo, Ceylon - linked by ship).
The ‘interlinking’ of family members would cause any fully accurate ‘family tree’ to have a nervous breakdown.
I added father and son Major Anderson’s to White sisters and a sister to a Swinhoe.
A White ‘brother’ headed for India.
Two Day sisters residing in Bengal were added in different parts of the tree (marrying a Colonel and an Army Doctor.
Other Biddle and Swinhoe siblings of their spouses were added to diverse ‘cousins’ (each with notes explaining that their close relative was ‘elsewhere’).
Journeys undertaken by many of the Indian ‘ex-pats’ mentioned, between Colombo Ceylon and Bengal, show that the Sea Captain of the vessel carrying them was John Biddle.
I typed Colonel, Major or Major-Generalas profession in a multitude of places and found many families with members who served through (or died in) the Indian Mutiny. Robert Swinhoe’s sister, Maria, married Major General Basden - son of Admiral Basden.
His Solicitor brother William married Eliza Dawes and the resulting offspring occupied many important posts in Calcutta including Dawes Swinhoe; ‘Chief Presidency Magistrate’. Another brother of Richard, an attorney in Calcutta, married another attorney and a sister married another British Consul - William Pedder.
Both William Pedder and Robert Swinhoe (FRS FRZS FRGS) were famous naturalists and much of their correspondence with Charles Darwin is preserved in his papers.
Swinhoe, also a Fellow of the Royal Society, had been a member of the British Association since 1863 and presented a paper at the 1865 meeting.
Indeed, Charles Darwin proposed him as a member of the Royal Society in 1874 and one of the letters from Darwin is to the Secretary of the Royal Society asking for another form since the original with all the signatures has got lost in the post (and Darwin proposes starting the collection again!).
One of the later letters to Darwin from Robert Swinhoe (8 Mar 1866) tells Charles that he is about to replace his brother in law Pedder as Consul in Amoy.
The Examiner London October 26, 1861 shows "Narrative of 1860 China War - illustrated" by Robert Swinhoe as history book of the week and, possibly closer to his heart, Penny Illustrated Paper (London, England), Saturday, November 14, 1868 contains an article and picture of Swinhoe's pheasant in the gardens of the Zoological Society.
In 1869 he named Aethopyga christinae (Mrs Swinhoe's Sunbird - Nectariniidae); dedicated to wife “Christina Stronach (Swinhoe)” daughter of an Edinburgh London Missionary Society couple whose (near 40 year) mission in Amoy is described as “the most successful in China”.
Adolphus White lives in Hampstead with his servants until his death in 1901. The census that year still shows the septuagenarian as a Royal Academy of Music music professor. The Athenaeum magazine reported his passing “on the fourth inst.” in detail. His exploits are too numerous to relate here but, in short, he was a chorister at Canterbury Cathedral; he studied organ, violin and other subjects under Dr Longhurst and later in Ireland. In 1858 he went to America. When he returned he performed at Her Majesty's Opera, the Philharmonic, Leeds, Birmingham, Handel and Three Choirs Festivals. In 1886/7 he wrote "The Double Bass" (quoted from extensively in the biography of Domenico Dragoneti) and in 1887 he retired from the 20th Middlesex Volunteer Corps (the artists) with the rank of Major and was presented with a silver sword (later left to nephew William Blomfield White in his will).
In 1890 Adolphus was appointed musician in ordinary to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. If you were a court “musician in ordinary” during Tudor and Stuart times, you’d be required to provide music for the Royal Household on any occasion, on call at any time of the day or night. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, members of the State Band, which performed only at coronations, were styled ‘Musician in Ordinary’ and were entitled to a salary despite often not playing a note for decades. After 1855 reforms led to the appointment of members of the leading London orchestras, including that of the opera, and were contracted to perform at court twenty times per annum, including State Concerts. Principal double bass to the Royal Italian Opera until 1897, he was organist of St Phillips Waterloo Road for 22 years. His compositions include church music, carols, songs and music for the double bass (his primer [novello] is “particularly recommended by many”) and Amazon still shows many of his songs. According to the Royal College of Music he “taught at both the RCM and the Royal Academy of Music. In addition he strengthened the College orchestra at rehearsals and at public concerts”.
29 October 1902 The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania "Death of the King's Musician. - The death has taken place, in his 72nd year, of Mr. Adolphus Charles White, MusicĂan in Ordinary to the King, who was for many years regarded as the loading: double bass player in England. In addition to his powers in thus direction, Mr White was a capable violinist and organist, and he composed a number of church works, carols, songs, pianoforte pieces, and other music It is stated that he was also the composer of that popular ditty, "Put me in my little bed". He was for many years professor of the double bass, both at the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music, and the author of the primer for the same instrument published by Messrs. Novello and Co".
His will left more than three thousand pounds; including nine properties (eight were in Canterbury and his main residence 36 Parkhill Road Hampstead). Perhaps this was not the last of Adolphus since in January 2006 the world media reported that Gwyneth Paltrow and husband Chris Martin claimed that they were being haunted by the ghost of a 19th century musician. The pair believed their north London home, which they share with daughter Apple, was possessed by the ghost of Adolphus White who died at the property in 1902. They were so concerned that they requested an exorcism.

Maybe Adolphus Charles was looking for his silver sword .
The sword mentioned in his will but which is no longer in the family .
'I bequeath to my nephew William White (son Of my late brother
Samuel Ethelbert White) the Silver Sword presented to me by the officers
and men Of the B. Company Of the 20th Middlesex Volunteer Corps (the
artists) And it is my wish that the same should not be sold but that on
his death the same should be given by him to some member Of my family but
I hereby declare that this expression Of my wishes should not be treated
as imposing any obligation by way Of trust'
He is not the only Mr White, a professor of music, in the lives of the White siblings from the 1830’s as we have seen from his cousin Tench...
White, Adolphus Charles, contrabassist,
born in Canterlnny, October 10, 1830.
■Chorister at the Cathedral there, and studied
■organ, violin, and other subjects under Dr.
Longhurst, and later in Ireland. Returning
to Canterbury lie took up the study of the
double-bass, and, proceeding to London, re-
ceived lessons from James Howell, for whom
he soon deputised with marked success. In
1853 he went with Jullian to America. After
his return he was engaged at Her Majesty's
opera, the Philharmonic and other concerts ;
and when Howell died, in 1879, he succeeded
him at the Handel, Leeds, Birmingham
(187G-1888), and Three Choirs Festivals; and
was also i^rincipal double-bass at the Koyal
Italian opera ro 1897. He is professor of his
instrument at R.A.M., and R.C.M. ; Hon.
R.A.M., 1877 ; and, in 1890, was appointed
Musician in Ordinary to Her IMajesty the
Queen. Was for 22 years organist of St.
Philip's, Waterloo Place. Served in the
Volunteer force, retiring in 1887 with the
rank of j\Iajor, receiving a silver sword in
acknowledgment of his services. His com-
positions include church music, carols, songs,
pf. pieces, and solos for the double-bass
His Primerforthatinstrumeiit (Novello), with
appendix for the four stringed bass, is of
great merit.
Surname: WhiteFirstname: Adolphus CharlesBorn: 10 October 1830Died: [4] {Sept 1902}Profession: Instrument: Double Bass;Piano Forte;OrganCareer: 'Performs on the Double Bass, Piano forte & organ - is engaged at Her Majesties Theatre, The New Philharmonic, Orchestral Union, and M Julliens Concerts'Admitted: 4 January 1857 Membership No: A506
He is a widower, his wife Eliza, an artist painter, born in Chelsea, is deceased.
Southern Reporter and Cork Commercial Courier - Thursday 24 March 1864
He is also Catherine’s spouse’s uncle, father Samuel’s younger brother. Adolphus (pictured) was born in 1830 and baptised in Canterbury on 7th November of that year.
The Gentleman’s Magazinereports his wedding on 17th March 1864 to Eliza Annie the 24 year old widow of Lieutenant Douglas Barbor of the 20th Native Infantry, Bengal Army. witnesses include Samuel White, Elizabeth Mary Sadlier and Susannah Harrison White (sisters) Thomas James Biddle and Sarah Biddle.
She is the daughter of Sarah Biddle, the widow of Captain John Biddle and her previous marriage in India in 1857 (to a son of a much decorated Major) had lasted only two months before her husband had been killed during the Indian Mutiny at Lucknow. (A book ‘Fatehgarh and the Mutiny’ says that he “drove his men hard”).
Also living with Sarah at 18, Avenue Terrace, Chelsea at the time of the 1861 census is her sister/sister-in-law, widow of a Major.
The 1871 census shows that she is also looking after a grandson, Robert Swinhoe age 14. Daughter Caroline from her first Marriage had died and her Will"appoint(s) Captain and Mrs John Biddle now residing at Chelsea near London in England guardians of such of my children as shall be under the age of twenty one years at the time of my decease". Robert goes to London University and becomes HM Consul to China.
15th March 1870 (probate) Sarah Biddle will "I appoint my son William Henry Hulse Anderson and my son in law Adolphus Charles White executors Of this my will"
Though they have no children, that 1871 census shows the house full of children, including a great niece and nephew and a nephew Arthur Lionel Pedder aged three from another of Eliza’s relatives.
Arthur, a beneficiary in Adolphus’s will, becomes a Fellow & Tutor of Magdelen College Oxford and a Church of England Clergyman.
At least one of the Pedder children had been born in China and few show up in any UK census. Pedder was a famous name in China; not least Robert Swinhoe’s brother in law (sister Caroline’s husband) WH Pedder.
Sent to China as a ‘second interpreter’ at 18, he progressed to become the British Consul at Amoy.
By 1897 Hong Kong has a Pedders Wharf and Hill and Pedder Street.
There is a strong closeness of a few families in early 19th century Bengal, India (and Colombo, Ceylon - linked by ship).
The ‘interlinking’ of family members would cause any fully accurate ‘family tree’ to have a nervous breakdown.
I added father and son Major Anderson’s to White sisters and a sister to a Swinhoe.
A White ‘brother’ headed for India.
Two Day sisters residing in Bengal were added in different parts of the tree (marrying a Colonel and an Army Doctor.
Other Biddle and Swinhoe siblings of their spouses were added to diverse ‘cousins’ (each with notes explaining that their close relative was ‘elsewhere’).
Journeys undertaken by many of the Indian ‘ex-pats’ mentioned, between Colombo Ceylon and Bengal, show that the Sea Captain of the vessel carrying them was John Biddle.
I typed Colonel, Major or Major-Generalas profession in a multitude of places and found many families with members who served through (or died in) the Indian Mutiny. Robert Swinhoe’s sister, Maria, married Major General Basden - son of Admiral Basden.
His Solicitor brother William married Eliza Dawes and the resulting offspring occupied many important posts in Calcutta including Dawes Swinhoe; ‘Chief Presidency Magistrate’. Another brother of Richard, an attorney in Calcutta, married another attorney and a sister married another British Consul - William Pedder.
Both William Pedder and Robert Swinhoe (FRS FRZS FRGS) were famous naturalists and much of their correspondence with Charles Darwin is preserved in his papers.
Swinhoe, also a Fellow of the Royal Society, had been a member of the British Association since 1863 and presented a paper at the 1865 meeting.
Indeed, Charles Darwin proposed him as a member of the Royal Society in 1874 and one of the letters from Darwin is to the Secretary of the Royal Society asking for another form since the original with all the signatures has got lost in the post (and Darwin proposes starting the collection again!).
One of the later letters to Darwin from Robert Swinhoe (8 Mar 1866) tells Charles that he is about to replace his brother in law Pedder as Consul in Amoy.
The Examiner London October 26, 1861 shows "Narrative of 1860 China War - illustrated" by Robert Swinhoe as history book of the week and, possibly closer to his heart, Penny Illustrated Paper (London, England), Saturday, November 14, 1868 contains an article and picture of Swinhoe's pheasant in the gardens of the Zoological Society.
In 1869 he named Aethopyga christinae (Mrs Swinhoe's Sunbird - Nectariniidae); dedicated to wife “Christina Stronach (Swinhoe)” daughter of an Edinburgh London Missionary Society couple whose (near 40 year) mission in Amoy is described as “the most successful in China”.
Adolphus White lives in Hampstead with his servants until his death in 1901. The census that year still shows the septuagenarian as a Royal Academy of Music music professor. The Athenaeum magazine reported his passing “on the fourth inst.” in detail. His exploits are too numerous to relate here but, in short, he was a chorister at Canterbury Cathedral; he studied organ, violin and other subjects under Dr Longhurst and later in Ireland. In 1858 he went to America. When he returned he performed at Her Majesty's Opera, the Philharmonic, Leeds, Birmingham, Handel and Three Choirs Festivals. In 1886/7 he wrote "The Double Bass" (quoted from extensively in the biography of Domenico Dragoneti) and in 1887 he retired from the 20th Middlesex Volunteer Corps (the artists) with the rank of Major and was presented with a silver sword (later left to nephew William Blomfield White in his will).
In 1890 Adolphus was appointed musician in ordinary to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. If you were a court “musician in ordinary” during Tudor and Stuart times, you’d be required to provide music for the Royal Household on any occasion, on call at any time of the day or night. During the 18th and early 19th centuries, members of the State Band, which performed only at coronations, were styled ‘Musician in Ordinary’ and were entitled to a salary despite often not playing a note for decades. After 1855 reforms led to the appointment of members of the leading London orchestras, including that of the opera, and were contracted to perform at court twenty times per annum, including State Concerts. Principal double bass to the Royal Italian Opera until 1897, he was organist of St Phillips Waterloo Road for 22 years. His compositions include church music, carols, songs and music for the double bass (his primer [novello] is “particularly recommended by many”) and Amazon still shows many of his songs. According to the Royal College of Music he “taught at both the RCM and the Royal Academy of Music. In addition he strengthened the College orchestra at rehearsals and at public concerts”.
29 October 1902 The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania "Death of the King's Musician. - The death has taken place, in his 72nd year, of Mr. Adolphus Charles White, MusicĂan in Ordinary to the King, who was for many years regarded as the loading: double bass player in England. In addition to his powers in thus direction, Mr White was a capable violinist and organist, and he composed a number of church works, carols, songs, pianoforte pieces, and other music It is stated that he was also the composer of that popular ditty, "Put me in my little bed". He was for many years professor of the double bass, both at the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music, and the author of the primer for the same instrument published by Messrs. Novello and Co".
His will left more than three thousand pounds; including nine properties (eight were in Canterbury and his main residence 36 Parkhill Road Hampstead). Perhaps this was not the last of Adolphus since in January 2006 the world media reported that Gwyneth Paltrow and husband Chris Martin claimed that they were being haunted by the ghost of a 19th century musician. The pair believed their north London home, which they share with daughter Apple, was possessed by the ghost of Adolphus White who died at the property in 1902. They were so concerned that they requested an exorcism.

Gwyneth Paltrow haunted
Gwyneth Paltrow and a man she married even though he's not good enough for her have a ghost in their house. From Monsters and Critics:
Gwyneth Paltrow and husband Chris Martin claim they are being haunted by the ghost of a 19th century musician. The pair believe their north London home, which they share with daughter Apple, is possessed by the ghost of Adolphus White - a Royal College of Music professor who died at the property in 1902. The pregnant 'Shakespeare In Love' actress is so worried about the musical apparition she is planning an exorcism at the house - located in the capital's plush Belsize Park region - before she gives birth in the spring. Friends of the 33-year-old actress and her Coldplay star husband say the pair have become increasingly anxious about the alleged spectre.
(From The Daily Star)
GWYNETH Paltrow and husband Chris Martin are being haunted by a 19thcentury musician.
And the showbiz couple have brought in the Kabbalah sect to rid their home of the ghoul, say pals.
The spectre is thought to be Adolphus White.
He was a professor of the Royal College of Music who died aged 71 at the property in London's posh Belsize Park in 1902.
His wife Eliza, an artist, died in the same master bedroom from a stroke aged 51 in 1887.
The shock revelation has seen Shakespeare In Love actress Gwyneth, 33, and Coldplay frontman Chris, 28, become increasingly worried, according to friends.
One said: "It's well known Chris had a lot of trouble writing his latest album X&Y and he's linking this to the haunting."
Arriving home this week, Chris said: "I'm sorry, I've nothing to say about this, " but didn't deny they were planning an exorcism.
Friends said Gwyneth is eager to rid her home of Adolphus before she gives birth in the spring and has contacted the London Kabbalah Centre to "cleanse" it on the advice of Madonna, 47. The ritual requires 10 men to chant psalms and blow a shofar, or ram's horn.
The pair are also desperate for the sect to succeed, having paid Titanic star Kate Winslet, 30, and her director husband Sam Mendes, 40, GBP2.8 million for the house in 2004.
The pal added: "On top of that they've spent GBP1m renovating it."
Neighbours in the exclusive road - which is also home to EastEnders' Wendy Richard, 62, and Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles, 31 - would also be happy to see the back of the spirit.
They complain the house is jinxed and one said: "There is certainly an eerie feeling there.
"No one has stayed there very long.".
The sword mentioned in his will but which is no longer in the family .
'I bequeath to my nephew William White (son Of my late brother
Samuel Ethelbert White) the Silver Sword presented to me by the officers
and men Of the B. Company Of the 20th Middlesex Volunteer Corps (the
artists) And it is my wish that the same should not be sold but that on
his death the same should be given by him to some member Of my family but
I hereby declare that this expression Of my wishes should not be treated
as imposing any obligation by way Of trust'
He is not the only Mr White, a professor of music, in the lives of the White siblings from the 1830’s as we have seen from his cousin Tench...
White, Adolphus Charles, contrabassist,
born in Canterlnny, October 10, 1830.
■Chorister at the Cathedral there, and studied
■organ, violin, and other subjects under Dr.
Longhurst, and later in Ireland. Returning
to Canterbury lie took up the study of the
double-bass, and, proceeding to London, re-
ceived lessons from James Howell, for whom
he soon deputised with marked success. In
1853 he went with Jullian to America. After
his return he was engaged at Her Majesty's
opera, the Philharmonic and other concerts ;
and when Howell died, in 1879, he succeeded
him at the Handel, Leeds, Birmingham
(187G-1888), and Three Choirs Festivals; and
was also i^rincipal double-bass at the Koyal
Italian opera ro 1897. He is professor of his
instrument at R.A.M., and R.C.M. ; Hon.
R.A.M., 1877 ; and, in 1890, was appointed
Musician in Ordinary to Her IMajesty the
Queen. Was for 22 years organist of St.
Philip's, Waterloo Place. Served in the
Volunteer force, retiring in 1887 with the
rank of j\Iajor, receiving a silver sword in
acknowledgment of his services. His com-
positions include church music, carols, songs,
pf. pieces, and solos for the double-bass
His Primerforthatinstrumeiit (Novello), with
appendix for the four stringed bass, is of
great merit.
![]() |
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald - Saturday 20 September 1902 |
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