Name: Violet May Grant
Gender: Female
Christening Date: 31 Oct 1897
Christening Place: Colaba, Bombay, India
Birth Date: 13 Oct 1897
Father's Name: George Nelson Grant
Mother's Name: Mary Jane
On several message boards there are posts on George Nelson Grant.
we have collected them here maybe it will give us a new clue.George Nelson Grant born December 1870 Derby married Mary Jane McCarthy or McGuinness in 1892 in Kilkenny, Ireland.
Their eldest son was George Nelson Copeland Grant (b. 1893 in Gibralter); then they had Arthur Edward Grant (b. 1895, Ahmedhajar), Violet and Flossy May (twins, b. 1897, Bombay) and Henry Horace and Albert Victor (twins, b. 1903, Ajmeer).George Nelson Copeland Grant (b. 1893 in Gibralter);seems to have retired from the Army in 1921 and became an accountant in Bombay;
George Nelson Grant back in 26th May 1892 in Kilkenny. George was in the military and station in Gibraltar and India, they had five children . I have no idea what happened to Mary if she died or left my GG but on his military records in 1919 he is classed as a widower.
Seeking any information about MARY HANNAH GRANT, nee COPELAND Mary Hannah was my gt grandmother, born 1850 in Derby. She married George Nelson Grant, in 1881 they were in Scotland, shown on the census living at that time in Perth. Their son George Nelson was at that time in Kibble Industrial School, he had been sentenced for 6 years because of stealing. Possibly their reason for being in Perth

Seeking any information about MARY JANE McCARTHY or McGUINNESS In 1892 she married George Nelson Colven Grant, in Kilkenny, the Presbyterian Church By August 1893 they were in Gibralter where their first son was born , they went on to have four more children, including two sets of twins they later went to Bombay India, where George Nelson who was a soldier had been posted. I do not know ho
I am seeking any descendants of GEORGE NELSON GRANT born 1871 Derby. He married MARY JANE McCARTHY or McGUINNESS, in 1893 in Kilkenny Ireland.
Their first son also George Nelson, was born in Gibralter, and from there they moved to India. Mary Jane died before 1920 in India.she was Born in Malta on 1875 to Daniel McCarthy. Mary Jane McCarthy married George Nelson Grant and had 4 children. She passed away on 1919 in India.
Mary Jane was born in Malta, and I would love to know more about her, what was her mother`s name, and why was she given two surnames on her marriage cert?
I have a photo of the couple with their four children, date unknown. Could George Nelson have remarried after the death of Mary Jane?
if anyone knows of her I would love to exchange information?
If anyone knows of this family, would they please please contact me with any information about their descendants.
I have a photo of the couple with their four children, date unknown. Could George Nelson have remarried after the death of Mary Jane?
if anyone knows of her I would love to exchange information?
If anyone knows of this family, would they please please contact me with any information about their descendants.
Arthur Edward Grant1895 - Unknown
Violet Mona Flossy May Grant1897 - 1992
George Nelson Copeland Grant1893 - 1970
Horace Henry Albert Victor Grant
George Nelson Grant was the brother of my grandmother Mabel Grant (she married Stephen Gagan in Canada 1894 they left Canada and went to Scotland in 1901)
My gt uncle George Nelson Grant married Mary Jane McCarthy or McGuinness in Kilkenny 1892 I am curious as to why Mary Jane has two different surnames.
Having just recently discovered many details of my gt uncle GEORGE NELSON GRANT b.1870 Derby , thought I would obtain his marriage cert because of a puzzling remark on his army record concerning his wife`s surname
On receipt of the cert, I found that her name was Mary Jane McGuinness, father Patrick McGuinness, then there was a note re a correction made in the margin, which read
she should have been named, Mary Jane McCarthy,father`s name Daniel McCarthy!
She and George were married in 1892 in Kilkenny Ireland. They then moved to Gibralter and from there to Bombay India.
I would love to make contact with anyone who may be researching Mary Jane McCarthy or McGuinness. I hardly think she would have been a widow, she was aged only 17 years when the marriage took place, could she have been illegitimate?
So the information varies but maybe it will lead to something
We looked for the family in the fibis database but could not find anything
George Nelson Copeland Grant1893 - 1970
Horace Henry Albert Victor Grant
George Nelson Grant was the brother of my grandmother Mabel Grant (she married Stephen Gagan in Canada 1894 they left Canada and went to Scotland in 1901)
My gt uncle George Nelson Grant married Mary Jane McCarthy or McGuinness in Kilkenny 1892 I am curious as to why Mary Jane has two different surnames.
Having just recently discovered many details of my gt uncle GEORGE NELSON GRANT b.1870 Derby , thought I would obtain his marriage cert because of a puzzling remark on his army record concerning his wife`s surname
On receipt of the cert, I found that her name was Mary Jane McGuinness, father Patrick McGuinness, then there was a note re a correction made in the margin, which read
she should have been named, Mary Jane McCarthy,father`s name Daniel McCarthy!
She and George were married in 1892 in Kilkenny Ireland. They then moved to Gibralter and from there to Bombay India.
I would love to make contact with anyone who may be researching Mary Jane McCarthy or McGuinness. I hardly think she would have been a widow, she was aged only 17 years when the marriage took place, could she have been illegitimate?
So the information varies but maybe it will lead to something
We looked for the family in the fibis database but could not find anything
- The Grant Family in india : "George Nelson with pipe in hand, lady stood unknown, lady sat is Violet and the young boy is Horace, the two young men could be George jnr and Arthur."
- again with "George Nelson snr with wife Mary Jane holding the young Horace my grandfather, George Copeland and Arthur Edward stood either side of George snr and Violet stood all in white."
- Violet with second hubby and "her daughter in-law Maria and daughter Pamela, Maria's husband was Michael Peel son of Reginald and Violet."
After Reginald Peels death Violet married Horace Grant in Hove in 1945 and died in 1992
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