After cruizing for some time, on his return, in the Gannet 16, Capt. Jas. Stevenson, he joined, in Nov. of the latter year, the Centaur 74, bearing the flag of Sir Sam. Hood, until whose death in Dec. 1814, he successively accompanied him into the Hibernia 110, Tigre74, Owen Glendower 36, and Illustrious and Minden 74’s, and served on the North Sea, Mediterranean, and East India stations.
He then came home; served with Capt. Joseph Nourse, of the Severn 40, on the coast of France, during the war of 100 days; and was ultimately promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, by commission dated 4 March, 1815.
In the latter capacity Mr. Cory appears to have been appointed – 24 Dec. 1825, as First, to the North Star 28, Capt. Septimus Arabin, on the coast of Africa – 28 April, 1830, again as Senior, to the Briton 46, Capt. John Duff Markland, off Lisbon – 30 July, 1832, to the Asia 84, flag-ship on the same station of Rear-Admiral Wm. Parker – and, 5 Sept. 1834, to the Royal George yacht, Capt. Lord Adolphus FitzClarence.
Having obtained his second promotal commission 20 Feb. 1836, he next, from 9 March, 1837, until paid off in 1840, commanded the North Star 28, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Lord John Hay on the coast of Portugal. Since his elevation to Post-rank, 1 Aug. 1840, Capt. Cory has been unemployed.

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